
10-letter words containing p, i, e, c

  • perfection — the state or quality of being or becoming perfect.
  • perfective — tending to make perfect; conducive to perfection.
  • perficient — someone who or something that accomplishes or completes a task, etc
  • periapical — encompassing or surrounding the tip of the root of a tooth.
  • pericardia — the membranous sac enclosing the heart.
  • pericenter — the point at which a heavenly body orbiting around a primary other than the earth or sun is closest to the primary.
  • pericentre — the point in an elliptical orbit that is nearest to the centre of mass of the system
  • periclinal — of or relating to a pericline
  • periculous — dangerous; perilous
  • perimetric — the border or outer boundary of a two-dimensional figure.
  • periodical — a magazine or other journal that is issued at regularly recurring intervals.
  • peripheric — peripheral (defs 1–3).
  • periphonic — (of sound reproduction) involving speakers placed at different heights so as to produce sound from all directions
  • periphytic — the community of tiny organisms, as protozoans, hydras, insect larvae, and snails, that lives on the surfaces of rooted aquatic plants.
  • periscopic — Optics. (of certain lenses in special microscopes, cameras, etc.) giving distinct vision obliquely, or all around, as well as, or instead of, in a direct line.
  • peritectic — of or noting the phase intermediate between a solid and the liquid that results from the melting of the solid.
  • perithecia — the fruiting body of ascomycetous fungi, typically a minute, more or less completely closed, globose or flask-shaped body enclosing the asci.
  • peritricha — ciliate protozoans, of the order Peritrichida, in which the cilia are restricted to a spiral around the mouth
  • perlucidus — (of a cloud) having transparent spaces between the elements.
  • pernicious — causing insidious harm or ruin; ruinous; injurious; hurtful: pernicious teachings; a pernicious lie.
  • pernickety — persnickety.
  • peroxyacid — an acid derived from hydrogen peroxide and containing the –O–O– group, as peroxysulfuric acid, H 2 S 2 O 8 .
  • pertinence — pertaining or relating directly and significantly to the matter at hand; relevant: pertinent details.
  • pestilence — a deadly or virulent epidemic disease.
  • petechiate — having or marked with petechiae.
  • pettichaps — any of the warblers that belongs to the family Sylviinae
  • phagedenic — a severe, destructive, eroding ulcer.
  • phaneritic — (of a rock) having the principal constituents in the form of crystals visible to the naked eye.
  • phenacaine — a compound, C 1 8 H 2 2 N 2 O 2 , usually used in the form of its hydrochloride as a local anesthetic for the eye.
  • phenacetin — a white, slightly water-soluble, crystalline solid, C 1 0 H 1 3 NO 2 , used in medicine chiefly as an agent for checking or preventing fever or for relieving pain: withdrawn because of unfavorable side effects.
  • phenotypic — the observable constitution of an organism.
  • philatelic — the collecting of stamps and other postal matter as a hobby or an investment.
  • phlegmatic — not easily excited to action or display of emotion; apathetic; sluggish.
  • phlegmonic — relating to or having the characteristics of a phlegmon
  • phocomelia — a usually congenital deformity of the extremities in which the limbs are abnormally short.
  • phoenician — a native or inhabitant of Phoenicia.
  • phonematic — phonemic.
  • phonetical — Also, phonetical. of or relating to speech sounds, their production, or their transcription in written symbols.
  • photogenic — forming an attractive subject for photography or having features that look well in a photograph: a photogenic face.
  • phrenesiac — hypochondriacal
  • phrensical — frenzical; frenzied
  • phylogenic — the development or evolution of a particular group of organisms.
  • phytogenic — of plant origin.
  • picaresque — pertaining to, characteristic of, or characterized by a form of prose fiction, originally developed in Spain, in which the adventures of an engagingly roguish hero are described in a series of usually humorous or satiric episodes that often depict, in realistic detail, the everyday life of the common people: picaresque novel; picaresque hero.
  • pichiciego — any of several small armadillos of the genera Chalmyphorus and Burmeisteria, of southern South America.
  • pick holes — If you pick holes in an argument or theory, you find weak points in it so that it is no longer valid.
  • pick-me-up — an alcoholic drink taken to restore one's energy or good spirits.
  • pickedness — sharpness or the state of being pointed
  • picketboat — a boat which keeps guard
  • pickleworm — the larva of a pyralid moth, Diaphania nitidalis, that bores into the stem and fruit of squash, cucumber, and other cucurbitaceous plants.
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