
10-letter words containing p, i, e, c

  • pickpocket — a person who steals money, wallets, etc., from the pockets of people, as in crowded public places.
  • picnickers — an excursion or outing in which the participants carry food with them and share a meal in the open air.
  • picosecond — one trillionth of a second. Abbreviation: ps, psec.
  • picturable — a visual representation of a person, object, or scene, as a painting, drawing, photograph, etc.: I carry a picture of my grandchild in my wallet.
  • picturised — to represent in a picture, especially in a motion picture; make a picture of.
  • piece rate — compensation based on a worker's quantitative output or production, usually an agreed sum per article of work turned out.
  • piece-dyed — dyed after weaving (opposed to yarn-dyed).
  • piercingly — loud or shrill, as the quality of a voice.
  • pig-sconce — a foolish person
  • pigsticker — to hunt for wild boar, usually on horseback and using a spear.
  • pillowcase — a removable sacklike covering, usually of cotton, drawn over a pillow.
  • pilot cell — one cell in a battery selected and tested to determine the charge or discharge current for the entire battery.
  • pin cherry — any of several species of cherry, especially Prunus padus (European bird cherry) of Europe and Asia, and P. pensylvanica (pin cherry) of the U.S.
  • pin clover — alfilaria.
  • pin wrench — a wrench having a pin for insertion into the heads of certain bolts to drive them. Compare spanner (def 2).
  • pinchpenny — a miser or niggard.
  • pine finch — pine siskin.
  • pinocytose — (of a cell) to take within by means of pinocytosis.
  • pitch cone — (in a gear or rack) an imaginary surface forming a plane (pitch plane) a cylinder (pitch cylinder) or a cone or frustrum (pitch cone) that moves tangentially to a similar surface in a meshing gear so that both surfaces travel at the same speed.
  • pitch lake — a deposit of natural asphalt in SW Trinidad, West Indies. 114 acres (47 hectares).
  • pitch line — pitch circle.
  • pitch pine — any of several pines from which pitch or turpentine is obtained.
  • pitch pipe — a small flute or reed pipe producing one or more pitches when blown into, used chiefly for establishing the proper pitch in singing or in tuning a musical instrument.
  • pitch-pipe — a small flute or reed pipe producing one or more pitches when blown into, used chiefly for establishing the proper pitch in singing or in tuning a musical instrument.
  • pitcherful — the amount held by a pitcher.
  • pitchstone — a glassy volcanic rock having a resinous luster and resembling hardened pitch.
  • place kick — a kick in which the ball is placed in position before it is kicked
  • place-kick — to make (a field goal or point after touchdown) by a place kick.
  • placidness — pleasantly calm or peaceful; unruffled; tranquil; serenely quiet or undisturbed: placid waters.
  • planetical — planetary
  • plasticine — Plasticine is a soft coloured substance like clay which children use for making models.
  • plasticize — to make or become plastic, as by the addition of a plasticizer
  • plebiscite — a direct vote of the qualified voters of a state in regard to some important public question.
  • pleochroic — (of a biaxial crystal) characterized by pleochroism.
  • pleonastic — the use of more words than are necessary to express an idea; redundancy.
  • pleonectic — characterized by pleonexia
  • pleromatic — relating to the pleroma
  • pleustonic — a buoyant mat of weeds, algae, and associated organisms that floats on or near the surface of a lake, river, or other body of fresh water.
  • pluckiness — having or showing pluck or courage; brave: The drowning swimmer was rescued by a plucky schoolboy.
  • pneumatics — a pneumatic tire.
  • poachiness — the state of being poachy
  • poetically — possessing the qualities or charm of poetry: poetic descriptions of nature.
  • point lace — lace made with a needle rather than with bobbins; needlepoint.
  • poker dice — (used with a plural verb) dice that, instead of being marked with spots, carry on their faces a picture or symbol representing the six highest playing cards: ace, king, queen, jack, ten, nine.
  • pole piece — a piece of magnetic material at a pole of a permanent magnet or of an electromagnet, shaped to control the magnetic flux distribution in the vicinity of the pole.
  • polemicist — a person who is engaged or versed in polemics.
  • polemicize — to practice the art of disputation; to engage in polemics or controversy.
  • police car — squad car.
  • police dog — a dog trained to assist the police.
  • politicize — to bring a political character or flavor to; make political: to politicize a private dispute.
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