
16-letter words containing n, a, r, c

  • indiscrimination — an act or instance of not discriminating.
  • indiscriminative — Making no distinction; not discriminating.
  • infernal machine — a concealed or disguised explosive device intended to destroy life or property.
  • information pack — a set of leaflets giving information about something
  • insulin reaction — a state of collapse caused by a decrease in blood sugar resulting from the administration of excessive insulin.
  • insurance broker — person who sells insurance policies
  • insurance policy — contract that insures sth
  • insurance scheme — a scheme that provides insurance
  • integer specrate — SPECrate_int92
  • inter-comparison — the act of comparing.
  • inter-packet gap — (networking)   A time delay between successive data packets mandated by the network standard for protocol reasons. In Ethernet, the medium has to be "silent" (i.e., no data transfer) for a few microseconds before a node can consider the network idle and start to transmit. This is necessary for fairness reasons. The delay time, which approximately equals the signal propagation time on the cable, allows the "silence" to reach the far end so that all nodes consider the net idle.
  • intercalibration — to determine, check, or rectify the graduation of (any instrument giving quantitative measurements).
  • intercommunicate — to communicate mutually, as people.
  • interconsonantal — immediately following a consonant and preceding a consonant, as the a in pat.
  • intercontinental — between or among continents; involving two or more continents: intercontinental trade.
  • intercorrelation — mutual relation of two or more things, parts, etc.: Studies find a positive correlation between severity of illness and nutritional status of the patients. Synonyms: similarity, correspondence, matching; parallelism, equivalence; interdependence, interrelationship, interconnection.
  • intercrystalline — situated or passing between the crystals of a substance.
  • interculturalism — The philosophy of exchanges between cultural groups within a society.
  • interculturalize — To format a subject so that it is culturally neutral.
  • interfacial area — The interfacial area is the total area of contact between two liquids in a liquid-liquid operation.
  • interim accounts — accounts published in the course of the financial year
  • interlaced image — progressive coding
  • internal capsule — a broad band of white fibres near the thalamus in each cerebral hemisphere
  • interventricular — (anatomy) Located between the ventricles of the heart.
  • intervocalically — (phonology) Between vowels.
  • intracytoplasmic — Located in the cytoplasm of a cell.
  • intramolecularly — In an intramolecular manner; within a molecule.
  • intraocular lens — a plastic lens implanted surgically to replace the eye's natural crystalline lens, usually because the natural lens has developed a cataract.
  • intraventricular — (medicine) In a ventricle.
  • intrinsic factor — a glycoprotein, secreted by the gastric mucosa, that is involved in the intestinal absorption of vitamin B 12 .
  • intrinsic parity — parity1 (def 4b).
  • inverse cosecant — arc cosecant.
  • irrigation ditch — trench supplying land with water
  • j. random hacker — (jargon)   /J rand'm hak'r/ MIT jargon for a mythical figure; the archetypal hacker nerd. This may originally have been inspired by "J. Fred Muggs", a show-biz chimpanzee whose name was a household word back in the early days of TMRC, and was probably influenced by J. Presper Eckert (one of the co-inventors of the electronic computer). See random, Suzie COBOL.
  • jacobson's organ — either of a pair of blind, tubular, olfactory sacs in the roof of the mouth, vestigial in humans but well-developed in many animals, especially reptiles.
  • janet ip service — (networking)   (JIPS) Joint Academic NETwork Internet Protocol. E-mail: <[email protected]>.
  • japanese lacquer — lacquer (def 2).
  • journalistically — of, relating to, or characteristic of journalists or journalism.
  • judaeo-christian — of or relating to the religious writings, beliefs, values, or traditions held in common by Judaism and Christianity.
  • judicial inquiry — a formal legal investigation conducted into a matter of public concern by a judge, appointed by the government
  • jurisdictionally — In a jurisdictional way.
  • kangaroo closure — a form of closure in which the chair or speaker selects certain amendments for discussion and excludes others
  • karyokinetically — In a karyokinetic manner; by means of karyokinesis.
  • kentucky warbler — a wood warbler, Oporornis formosus, of the U.S., olive-green above, yellow below, and marked with black on the face.
  • keratoacanthomas — Plural form of keratoacanthoma.
  • keyman insurance — life insurance taken out by a business firm on an essential or very important employee, with the firm as beneficiary.
  • knapsack problem — the problem of determining which numbers from a given collection of numbers have been added together to yield a specific sum: used in cryptography to encipher (and sometimes decipher) messages.
  • knock for a loop — a portion of a cord, ribbon, etc., folded or doubled upon itself so as to leave an opening between the parts.
  • labrador current — a cold ocean current flowing southwards off the coast of Labrador and meeting the warm Gulf Stream, causing dense fogs off the coast of Newfoundland
  • lacto-vegetarian — a vegetarian whose diet includes dairy produce and eggs
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