
16-letter words containing n, a, r, c

  • french indochina — an area in SE Asia, formerly a French colonial federation including Cochin-China, the protectorates of Annam, Cambodia, Tonkin, and Laos, and the leased territory of Kwangchowan: now comprising the three independent states of Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos. Capital: Hanoi.
  • french polynesia — a French overseas territory in the S Pacific, including the Society Islands, Marquesas Islands, and other scattered island groups. 1544 sq. mi. (4000 sq. km). Capital: Papeete.
  • friction gearing — wheels or disks transmitting power by means of frictional contact.
  • front and center — If a topic or question is front and center, a lot of attention is being paid to it or a lot of people are talking about it.
  • functional group — a group of atoms responsible for the characteristic behavior of the class of compounds in which the group occurs, as the hydroxyl group in alcohols.
  • functional water — water containing additives that provide extra nutritional value
  • funeral director — a person, usually a licensed embalmer, who supervises or conducts the preparation of the dead for burial and directs or arranges funerals.
  • gadsden purchase — a tract of 45,535 sq. mi. (117,935 sq. km), now contained in New Mexico and Arizona, purchased for $10,000,000 from Mexico in 1853, the treaty being negotiated by James Gadsden.
  • galenic pharmacy — the art or practice of preparing and dispensing galenicals.
  • galvanic battery — battery (def 1a).
  • gamma correction — (hardware)   Adjustments applied during the display of a digital representation of colour on a screen in order to compensate for the fact that the Cathode Ray Tubes used in computer monitors (and televisions) produce a light intensity which is not proportional to the input voltage. The light intensity is actually proportional to the input voltage raised to the inverse power of some constant, called gamma. Its value varies from one display to another, but is usually around 2.5. Because it is more intuitive for the colour components (red, green and blue) to be varied linearly in the computer, the actual voltages sent to the monitor by the display hardware must be adjusted in order to make the colour component intensity on the screen proportional to the value stored in the computer's display memory. This process is most easily achieved by a dedicated module in the display hardware which simply scales the outputs of the display memory before sending them to the digital-to-analogue converters. More expensive graphics cards and workstations (particularly those used for CAD applications) will have a gamma correction facility. In combination with the "white-point" gamma correction is used to achieve precise colour matching.
  • garcia y iniguez — Calixto [kah-lees-taw] /kɑˈlis tɔ/ (Show IPA), 1839?–98, Cuban lawyer, soldier, and revolutionist.
  • garment district — an area in the borough of Manhattan, in New York City, including portions of Seventh Avenue and Broadway between 34th and 40th Streets and the streets intersecting them, that contains many factories, showrooms, etc., related to the design, manufacture, and wholesale distribution of clothing.
  • gaudí (i cornet) — An‧to‧nio (ɑnˈtɔnjɔ ) ; änt^ōˈny^ō) 1852-1926; Sp. architect
  • general american — any form of American English speech considered to show few regional peculiarities, usually including all dialects except for eastern New England, New York City, Southern, and South Midland (no longer in technical use). Abbreviation: GA.
  • general election — U.S. Politics. a regularly scheduled local, state, or national election in which voters elect officeholders. Compare primary (def 15). a state or national election, as opposed to a local election.
  • general electric — (company)   (GE) A US company that manufactured computers from 1956 until 1970, when it sold its computer division to Honeywell and left the computer business. Notable GE computers were the GE-265, which supported the Dartmouth Time-sharing System (DTSS), and the GE-645 used for Multics development. See also GCOS. Not to be confused with the General Electric Company (GEC) in the UK (where FOLDOC's first seeds were sown).
  • general factotum — a person who does all sorts of jobs; general assistant
  • general medicine — non-surgical branch of medicine
  • general practice — family practice.
  • genetic material — material that stores genetic information; DNA
  • geochronological — Of or pertaining to geochronology.
  • geographic range — the distance at which a certain light, as that of a lighthouse, is visible to the eye at a given elevation, assuming that the weather is clear and that the light is sufficiently powerful to be visible from any point at which it appears above the horizon.
  • george mcclellan — George Brinton [brin-tn] /ˈbrɪn tn/ (Show IPA), 1826–85, Union general in the American Civil War.
  • german cockroach — a common yellowish-brown cockroach, Blatta germanica, brought into the U.S. from Europe.
  • germinal vesicle — the large, vesicular nucleus of an ovum before the polar bodies are formed.
  • gnu archive site — (body)   The main GNU FTP archive is on gnu.org but copies ("mirrors") of some or all of the files there are also held on many other computers around the world. To avoid overloading gnu.org and the Internet you should FTP files from the machine closest to yours. Look for a directory like /pub/gnu, /mirrors/gnu, /systems/gnu or /archives/gnu.
  • golden parachute — an employment contract or agreement guaranteeing a key executive of a company substantial severance pay and other financial benefits in the event of job loss caused by the company's being sold or merged.
  • grace-and-favour — (of a house, flat, etc) owned by the sovereign and granted free of rent to a person to whom the sovereign wishes to express gratitude
  • granulocytopenia — a diminished number of granulocytes in the blood, which occurs in certain forms of anaemia
  • graphic designer — person: commercial artist
  • graphic language — For specifying graphic operations.
  • gravity decanter — A gravity decanter is a vessel or stage in which two liquids of different densities are allowed to separate by gravity.
  • great-grandchild — a grandchild of one's son or daughter.
  • great-grandniece — a granddaughter of one's nephew or niece.
  • great-granduncle — an uncle of one's grandfather or grandmother.
  • grenade launcher — a device attached to the muzzle of a rifle, permitting the firing of rifle grenades.
  • greyhound racing — a sport in which a mechanically propelled dummy hare is pursued by greyhounds around a race track
  • grid declination — the angular difference between true north and grid north on a map
  • ground substance — Also called matrix. the homogeneous substance in which the fibers and cells of connective tissue are embedded.
  • growth substance — any substance, produced naturally by a plant or manufactured commercially, that, in very low concentrations, affects plant growth; a plant hormone
  • guaranteed stock — stock for which dividends are guaranteed by a company other than the one issuing the stock.
  • gun control laws — the laws that restrict the possession and use of guns
  • hair conditioner — a substance used, often after shampooing, to detangle and improve the condition of the hair. Like shampoo, it is applied to wet hair and then rinsed out after applying.
  • hamming, richard — Richard Hamming
  • hand screw clamp — a screw that can be tightened by the fingers, without the aid of a tool.
  • handling charges — a fee paid to cover the packaging, transport, etc, of a commodity
  • haptic interface — (interface, hardware)   A touch interface to a computer that provides feedback, such as a data glove.
  • hard rock mining — (loosely) of or relating to igneous or metamorphic rocks, as in mining (hard-rock mining) and geology (hard-rock geology)
  • hard-packed snow — snow which becomes very firmly packed as it becomes refrozen due to cold weather conditions rather than melting
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