
15-letter words containing m, i, a, s, p

  • pavement artist — sidewalk artist.
  • pedestrian mall — A pedestrian mall is the same as a pedestrian precinct.
  • pematangsiantar — a city on NE Sumatra, in Indonesia.
  • performing arts — dance, drama, music
  • peruvian balsam — Peru balsam.
  • pessimistically — pertaining to or characterized by pessimism or the tendency to expect only bad outcomes; gloomy; joyless; unhopeful: His pessimistic outlook kept him from applying for jobs for which he was perfectly qualified.
  • peter of amiens — c1050–1115, French monk: preacher of the first Crusade 1095–99.
  • phenomenalistic — the doctrine that phenomena are the only objects of knowledge or the only form of reality.
  • photojournalism — journalism in which photography dominates written copy, as in certain magazines.
  • phrasemongering — the act of coining memorable phrases
  • physical memory — (memory management)   The memory hardware (normally RAM) installed in a computer. The term is only used in contrast to virtual memory.
  • physicochemical — physical and chemical: the physicochemical properties of an isomer.
  • pilgrim fathers — the Pilgrims (of Plymouth Colony)
  • pilgrimage site — a shrine or other sacred place that people travel to as an act of religious devotion
  • plagiostomatous — plagiostome
  • plainclothesman — a police officer, especially a detective, who wears ordinary civilian clothes while on duty.
  • platform tennis — a variation of tennis played on a wooden platform enclosed with chicken wire in which the players hit a rubber ball with wooden paddles following the same basic rules as tennis except that only one serve is permitted and balls can be played off the back and side fences.
  • platyhelminthes — a phylum of worms having bilateral symmetry and a soft, usually flattened body, comprising the flatworms.
  • plumbaginaceous — belonging to the Plumbaginaceae, the leadwort family of plants.
  • police marksman — a police officer skilled in precision shooting, esp with a sniper rifle
  • polysyllabicism — a polysyllabic style
  • pontifical mass — (sometimes lowercase) Roman Catholic Church. a High Mass celebrated by a bishop or other prelate.
  • pontine marshes — an area of W Italy, southeast of Rome: formerly malarial swamps, drained in 1932–34 after numerous attempts since 160 bc had failed
  • posse comitatus — the body of persons that a peace officer of a county is empowered to call upon for assistance in preserving the peace, making arrests, and serving writs.
  • post-millennial — of or relating to the period following the millennium.
  • posthemorrhagic — occurring after a haemorrhage
  • poststimulation — occurring after stimulation
  • poststimulatory — following stimulation
  • power macintosh — Power Mac
  • pragmaticalness — the quality of being pragmatical or meddlesome
  • pre-romanticism — romantic spirit or tendency.
  • preferentialism — the economic system of preference, esp amongst British commonwealth countries
  • preformationism — the belief in the theory of preformation
  • preformationist — someone who advocates the theory of preformation
  • premier danseur — the leading male dancer in a ballet company.
  • presbyterianism — church government by presbyters or elders, equal in rank and organized into graded administrative courts.
  • presentationism — the doctrine that in perception, or in all forms of knowledge, there is an immediate awareness of the things perceived.
  • preservationism — a person who advocates or promotes preservation, especially of wildlife, natural areas, or historical places.
  • primary insurer — A primary insurer is the insurance company that first sells insurance to a client, who later purchases reinsurance.
  • primary process — the generally unorganized mental activity characteristic of the unconscious and occurring in dreams, fantasies, and related processes.
  • primary sealing — Primary sealing is devices used for sealing tanks, to reduce emissions, often made of foam.
  • primary storage — main memory
  • primordial soup — the seas and atmosphere as they existed on earth before the existence of life, consisting primarily of an oxygen-free gaseous mixture containing chiefly water, hydrogen, methane, ammonia, and carbon dioxide.
  • primrose family — the plant family Primulaceae, characterized by herbaceous plants having simple, opposite, whorled, or basal leaves, flowers with a five-lobed corolla, and capsular fruit, and including cyclamen, loosestrife of the genus Lysimachia, pimpernel, primrose, and shooting star.
  • prism binocular — Usually, prism binoculars. Optics. binocular (def 1).
  • prismatic layer — the middle layer of the shell of certain mollusks, consisting chiefly of crystals of calcium carbonate.
  • professionalism — professional character, spirit, or methods.
  • programme music — music that is intended to depict or evoke a scene or idea
  • proscenium arch — the arch separating the stage from the auditorium
  • proximity talks — a diplomatic process whereby an impartial representative acts as go-between for two opposing parties who are willing to attend the same conference but unwilling to meet face to face
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