
15-letter words containing m, i, a, s, p

  • strephosymbolia — a condition of perceiving objects as their mirror image and, specifically, having difficulty in distinguishing letters in words
  • sublapsarianism — infralapsarianism.
  • suboptimization — a situation which is less than optimal
  • suicide attempt — bid to kill oneself
  • supernaturalism — supernatural character or agency.
  • superparasitism — the parasitic deposit of eggs on a host already parasitized by a different member of the same species
  • superpatriotism — the quality of being superpatriotic
  • suppiluliumas i — king of the Hittites (?1375–?1335 bc); founder of the Hittite empire
  • supplementation — the act or process of supplementing.
  • swamp white oak — an oak, Quercus bicolor, of eastern North America, yielding a hard, heavy wood used in shipbuilding, for making furniture, etc.
  • sympathetic ink — a fluid for producing writing that is invisible until brought out by heat, chemicals, etc.; invisible ink.
  • sympathetically — characterized by, proceeding from, exhibiting, or feeling sympathy; sympathizing; compassionate: a sympathetic listener.
  • sympathomimetic — mimicking stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system.
  • sympathy strike — a strike by a body of workers, not because of grievances against their own employer, but by way of endorsing and aiding another group of workers who are on strike or have been locked out.
  • symptomatically — pertaining to a symptom or symptoms.
  • symptomological — relating to symptomology
  • tetrasporangium — a sporangium containing four asexual spores.
  • the paralympics — a sporting event, modelled on the Olympic Games, held solely for disabled competitors
  • thomas à kempis — Thomas à, 1379?–1471, German ecclesiastic and author.
  • trypanosomiasis — any infection caused by a trypanosome.
  • ultramicroscope — an instrument that uses scattering phenomena to detect the position of objects too small to be seen by an ordinary microscope.
  • ultramicroscopy — the use of the ultramicroscope.
  • uncompassionate — having or showing compassion: a compassionate person; a compassionate letter.
  • uncomplaisantly — in an uncomplaisant manner
  • uncompromisable — that cannot or should not be compromised
  • unsportsmanlike — a man who engages in sports, especially in some open-air sport, as hunting, fishing, racing, etc.
  • vernier compass — a compass on a transit (vernier transit) having a vernier for adjusting magnetic bearings to read as true bearings.
  • wallpaper music — music that is pleasant but not interesting, so people do not pay much attention to it
  • washington palm — a palm tree, Washingtonia filifera, of California and Florida, having large fan-shaped leaves and small black fruits
  • westphalian ham — a hard German ham with a distinctive flavor derived from being smoked over beechwood and juniper.
  • white supremacy — the belief, theory, or doctrine that white people are inherently superior to people from all other racial groups, especially black people, and are therefore rightfully the dominant group in any society.
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