
15-letter words containing m, i, a, s, p

  • cytoplasmically — by means of a cytoplasm
  • decomposability — (uncountable) The condition of being decomposable.
  • decompositional — Of or pertaining to decomposition.
  • departmentalism — division into departments, esp when resulting in impaired efficiency
  • dermatoglyphics — the lines forming a skin pattern, esp on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet
  • dermatographism — a condition in which touching or lightly scratching the skin causes raised, reddish marks.
  • dermatophytosis — a fungal infection of the skin, esp the feet
  • diaheliotropism — the tendency among plants to respond to the light of the sun by orienting their leaves perpendicular to the sun's rays, such that the upper surface of the leaves receives maximum light
  • diaphototropism — growth of a plant or plant part in a direction transverse to that of the light
  • disappointments — Plural form of disappointment.
  • draughtsmanship — (British) alternative spelling of draftsmanship.
  • dutchman's-pipe — a climbing vine, Aristolochia durior, of the birthwort family, having large, heart-shaped leaves and brownish-purple flowers of a curved form suggesting a tobacco pipe.
  • dynamic scoping — dynamic scope
  • dysmorphophobia — an obsessive fear that one's body, or any part of it, is repulsive or may become so
  • eclipse plumage — the dull plumage developed in some brightly colored birds after the breeding season.
  • eclipse scotoma — a blind spot; a permanent or temporary area of depressed or absent vision caused by viewing the sun directly
  • edriophthalmous — (of certain crustaceans) having stalkless eyes
  • emancipationist — An advocate of the emancipation of slaves.
  • enantiomorphism — (chemistry) The relationship exhibited by a pair of enantiomorphs.
  • enantiomorphous — Of or pertaining to enantiomorphs or enantiomorphism; enantiomorphic.
  • epistemological — Of or pertaining to epistemology or theory of knowledge, as a field of study.
  • euphemistically — In a euphemistic manner.
  • experientialism — (philosophy) The theory that experience is the source of knowledge.
  • experimentalism — An experimental practice or tendency, especially in the arts.
  • experimentalist — One who performs experiments.
  • expression mark — one of a set of musical directions, usually in Italian, indicating how a piece or passage is to be performed
  • extemporisation — Alternative spelling of extemporization.
  • familiar spirit — a supernatural spirit often assuming animal form, supposed to attend and aid a witch, wizard, etc
  • geodemographics — the study and grouping of the people in a geographical area according to socioeconomic criteria, esp for market research
  • german-speaking — able to speak German
  • give them heaps — to contend strenuously with an opposing sporting team
  • go up in flames — be burned
  • golden samphire — a Eurasian coastal plant, Inula crithmoides, with fleshy leaves and yellow flower heads: family Asteraceae (composites)
  • hermaphroditism — the condition of being a hermaphrodite.
  • hip measurement — a measurement around the hips at the level of the buttocks used in clothing and assessing general health
  • hyperadrenalism — a glandular disorder caused by the overactivity of the adrenal glands and often resulting in obesity
  • hypercatabolism — an abnormally high metabolic breakdown of a substance or tissue which leads to weight loss and physical deterioration
  • hypermetabolism — Biology, Physiology. the sum of the physical and chemical processes in an organism by which its material substance is produced, maintained, and destroyed, and by which energy is made available. Compare anabolism, catabolism.
  • hyperovarianism — precocious sexuality in girls due to abnormally heavy ovarian secretion.
  • hyperparasitism — an organism that is parasitic on or in another parasite.
  • hyperpotassemia — hyperkalemia.
  • hypoinsulinemia — (medicine) An abnormally low level of insulin in the blood.
  • hypomagnesaemia — the condition of having too little magnesium in the blood, particularly in cattle, in which it is also known as lactation tetany
  • hypopituitarism — abnormally diminished activity of the pituitary gland, especially of the anterior lobe.
  • hypovitaminosis — Insufficiency of one or more essential vitamins in the body.
  • impact adhesive — a glue designed to give adhesion when two coated surfaces are pressed together
  • imperfect stage — a phase in the life cycle of certain fungi in which either no spores or asexual spores, as conidia, are produced.
  • imperial bushel — a unit of dry measure containing 4 pecks, equivalent in the U.S. (and formerly in England) to 2150.42 cubic inches or 35.24 liters (Winchester bushel) and in Great Britain to 2219.36 cubic inches or 36.38 liters (Imperial bushel) Abbreviation: bu., bush.
  • imperial system — a system of measurement units, including the foot, pound, and second, as well as miles and yards
  • imperishability — not subject to decay; indestructible; enduring.
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