
14-letter words containing f, u

  • unmanufactured — (of a product, commodity, etc) not manufactured
  • unprofessional — not professional; not pertaining to or characteristic of a profession.
  • unprovided for — without income or means
  • unquantifiable — to determine, indicate, or express the quantity of.
  • unreflectingly — in an unreflecting manner
  • unrefrigerated — to make or keep cold or cool, as for preservation.
  • unremorsefully — in an unremorseful or impenitent manner
  • unrightfulness — the quality of being unjust or unrightful
  • unsaponifiable — to convert (a fat) into soap by treating with an alkali.
  • unsatisfaction — lack of satisfaction
  • unsatisfactory — not satisfactory; not satisfying or meeting one's demands; inadequate.
  • unspecifically — having a special application, bearing, or reference; specifying, explicit, or definite: to state one's specific purpose.
  • unsuccessfully — not achieving or not attended with success: an unsuccessful person; an unsuccessful venture.
  • unthankfulness — the quality or condition of being unthankful; lack of thankfulness; ungratefulness
  • unthoughtfully — not thoughtfully; in an unthoughtful manner; thoughtlessly
  • untransferable — not able to be transferred
  • unwatchfulness — the quality or state of being unwatchful
  • upwards of sth — A quantity that is upwards of a particular number is more than that number.
  • url forwarding — URL redirection
  • user interface — the interface features through which users interact with the hardware and software of computers and other electronic devices. Abbreviation: UI.
  • user-definable — (of a facility on a computer) that can be defined or varied by the user
  • vacuum forming — a process in which a sheet of warmed thermoplastic is shaped by placing it in a mould and applying suction
  • venus-figurine — Venus (def 3).
  • venus' flytrap — a white-flowered swamp plant (Dionaea muscipula) of the sundew family, native to the Carolinas, having sensitive leaves with two hinged blades that snap shut, often trapping insects
  • vital function — any function of the body that is essential for life.
  • water fountain — a drinking fountain, water cooler, or other apparatus supplying drinking water.
  • water purifier — a device that purifies water
  • well-furnished — to supply (a house, room, etc.) with necessary furniture, carpets, appliances, etc.
  • well-justified — to show (an act, claim, statement, etc.) to be just or right: The end does not always justify the means.
  • well-qualified — having the qualities, accomplishments, etc., that fit a person for some function, office, or the like.
  • woman suffrage — the right of women to vote; female suffrage.
  • women's refuge — a house where battered women and their children can go for protection from their oppressors
  • word of honour — a promise; oath
  • worshipfulness — The state or condition of being worshipful; reverence.
  • wriggle out of — evade: a duty
  • wrongful death — the death of a person wrongfully caused, as comprising the grounds of a damage suit.
  • yellowfin tuna — an important food fish, Thunnus albacares, inhabiting warm seas.
  • young offender — a criminal who, according to the law, is not yet an adult but no longer a child
  • youth offender — a young delinquent, especially a first offender, usually from 14 to 21 years old, whom the court tries to correct and guide rather than to punish as a criminal.
  • zeno of citium — c340–c265 b.c, Greek philosopher, born in Cyprus.
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