
14-letter words containing f, u

  • rule of eleven — the rule that when a player leads his or her fourth-highest card in any suit its numerical value subtracted from eleven gives the number of higher cards of that suit held by the other players.
  • rules of order — the rules by which a legislative or deliberative assembly governs its proceedings; parliamentary law.
  • run out of gas — to go quickly by moving the legs more rapidly than at a walk and in such a manner that for an instant in each step all or both feet are off the ground.
  • runoff primary — (especially in the southern U.S.) a second primary between the two leading candidates of the first primary to provide nomination by majority rather than by plurality.
  • sacchariferous — containing or yielding sugar.
  • sacrifice bunt — a bunt made by the batter so that a base runner is advanced while the batter is put out
  • safe and sound — unharmed and well
  • safe as houses — If you say that something or someone is as safe as houses, you mean that they are completely safe.
  • safety circuit — a type of electronic circuit that prevents malfunction by stopping the flow of current or sounding an alert.
  • safety curtain — a sheet of asbestos or other fireproof material that can be lowered just inside the proscenium arch in case of fire, sealing off the backstage area from the auditorium.
  • safety feature — sth designed to prevent injury
  • safety measure — a measure taken to increase or ensure safety or protection from danger
  • safety squeeze — squeeze play (def 1b).
  • sanguification — hematopoiesis.
  • saturated fats — a type of single-bond animal or vegetable fat, as that found in butter, meat, egg yolks, and coconut or palm oil, that in humans tends to increase cholesterol levels in the blood. Compare saturated (def 3).
  • saxifragaceous — belonging to the plant family Saxifragaceae.
  • school uniform — standard outfit worn by pupils
  • scotch furnace — ore hearth.
  • self-actualize — to undergo self-actualization.
  • self-actuating — to incite or move to action; impel; motivate: actuated by selfish motives.
  • self-adjusting — that adjusts itself in response to circumstances
  • self-adulation — excessive devotion to someone; servile flattery.
  • self-assurance — self-confidence.
  • self-communion — (often initial capital letter). Also called Holy Communion. Ecclesiastical. the act of receiving the Eucharistic elements. the elements of the Eucharist. the celebration of the Eucharist. the antiphon sung at a Eucharistic service.
  • self-composure — calmness and self-possession
  • self-conscious — excessively aware of being observed by others.
  • self-diffusion — act of diffusing; state of being diffused.
  • self-exclusion — an act or instance of excluding.
  • self-executing — going into effect immediately without the need of supplementary legislation: a self-executing treaty.
  • self-forgetful — forgetful or not thinking of one's own advantage, interest, etc.
  • self-inclusive — including oneself or itself.
  • self-induction — the process by which an electromotive force is induced in a circuit by a varying current in that circuit.
  • self-indulgent — indulging one's own desires, passions, whims, etc., especially without restraint.
  • self-insurance — insurance of one's property or interests against possible loss by the establishing of a special fund for the purpose instead of seeking coverage with an underwriter.
  • self-laudation — an act or instance of lauding; encomium; tribute.
  • self-laudatory — containing or expressing praise: overwhelmed by the speaker's laudatory remarks.
  • self-oblivious — unmindful; unconscious; unaware (usually followed by of or to): She was oblivious of his admiration.
  • self-publicist — someone who is skilled at promoting him or herself
  • self-published — published independently by the author: self-published books.
  • self-regulated — governed or controlled from within; self-regulating.
  • self-righteous — confident of one's own righteousness, especially when smugly moralistic and intolerant of the opinions and behavior of others.
  • self-slaughter — suicide.
  • self-surrender — the surrender or yielding up of oneself, one's will, affections, etc., as to another person, an influence, or a cause.
  • self-valuation — an estimated value or worth.
  • sense of humor — finding things funny
  • seventy-fourth — next after the seventy-third; being the ordinal number for 74.
  • sharp-featured — having very clearly defined facial features
  • sheep's fescue — a temperate perennial tufted grass, Festuca ovina, with narrow inwardly rolled leaves
  • smokeless fuel — fuel which burns without producing smoke
  • snap out of it — return quickly to normal
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