
14-letter words containing f, u

  • perfidiousness — deliberately faithless; treacherous; deceitful: a perfidious lover.
  • picture-framer — a person or company whose job is to frame photographs, paintings etc
  • pleasure craft — A pleasure craft is the same as a pleasure boat.
  • polyfunctional — containing more than one functional group.
  • porcupine fish — any of several fishes of the family Diodontidae, especially Diodon hystrix, of tropical seas, capable of inflating the body with water or air until it resembles a globe, with erection of the long spines covering the skin.
  • potts-fracture — a fracture of the lower fibula and of the malleolus of the tibia, resulting in outward displacement of the foot.
  • pouilly fuissé — a dry white Burgundy wine made from the chardonnay grape
  • pouilly-fuisse — a dry, white wine from Burgundy.
  • poultry farmer — a person who rears domestic fowls, esp chickens, for their eggs or meat
  • pound of flesh — the soft substance of a human or other animal body, consisting of muscle and fat.
  • preformulation — to express in precise form; state definitely or systematically: He finds it extremely difficult to formulate his new theory.
  • premanufacture — to manufacture in advance
  • preunification — of the period before unification
  • profit squeeze — a sharp narrowing of the gap between cost and revenue.
  • proximity fuse — an electronically triggered device designed to detonate an explosive charge in a missile, etc, at a predetermined distance from the target
  • proximity fuze — a design for detonating a charge, as in a projectile, within a predesignated radius of a target.
  • public affairs — (used with a plural verb) matters of general interest or concern, especially those dealing with current social or political issues.
  • public officer — a person appointed or elected to a governmental post.
  • public welfare — state aid to the poor
  • purkinje fiber — any of the specialized cardiac muscle fibers forming a network in the ventricular walls that conduct electric impulses responsible for the contractions of the ventricles.
  • purposefulness — having a purpose.
  • quadratic form — a polynomial all of whose terms are of degree 2 in two or more variables, as 5 x 2 − 2 xy + 3 y 2 .
  • qualifications — Plural form of qualification.
  • quality factor — a property of ionizing radiations that affects their ability to cause biological effects. For weakly ionizing radiations such as gamma rays it has value 1 whilst for alpha rays it is about 20
  • quantification — to determine, indicate, or express the quantity of.
  • quasi-infinite — immeasurably great: an infinite capacity for forgiveness.
  • quasi-informal — without formality or ceremony; casual: an informal visit.
  • quasi-official — a person appointed or elected to an office or charged with certain duties.
  • quassia family — the plant family Simaroubaceae, characterized by tropical and subtropical trees and shrubs having pinnately compound leaves, clusters of flowers, fruit in the form of a capsule or berry, or fleshy or winged fruit, and a bitter bark used medicinally, and including the ailanthus and quassia.
  • queen of sheba — a queen of the Sabeans, who visited Solomon (I Kings 10:1–13)
  • quinquefarious — consisting of or divided into five lines, sections, etc
  • quinquefoliate — (of leaves) having or consisting of five leaflets
  • quizzification — mockery
  • radiofrequency — the frequency of the transmitting waves of a given radio message or broadcast.
  • radium sulfate — a white, crystalline, water-insoluble, poisonous, radioactive solid, RaSO 4 , used chiefly in radiotherapy.
  • rafferty rules — no rules at all
  • rate of return — The rate of return on an investment is the amount of profit it makes, often shown as a percentage of the original investment.
  • redear sunfish — a freshwater sunfish, Lepomis microlophos, of the lower Mississippi valley and southeastern states, having the gill cover margined with scarlet.
  • reform judaism — Judaism as observed by Reform Jews.
  • refugee status — the state of being a person who has fled from some danger or problem, esp political persecution, esp in a foreign country in the eyes of the law
  • refund annuity — an annuity providing for a lump-sum payment or installment payments to the beneficiary for the amount remaining of the purchase price at the death of the annuitant.
  • remanufacturer — a company or industry that engages in making an existing product new again
  • respectfulness — full of, characterized by, or showing politeness or deference: a respectful reply.
  • revenue tariff — a tariff or duty imposed on imports primarily to produce public revenue.
  • revolving fund — any loan fund intended to be maintained by the repayment of past loans.
  • robusta coffee — a coffee tree, Coffea canephora, native to western tropical Africa and cultivated in warm regions of the Old World.
  • roll of honour — A roll of honour is a list of the names of people who are admired or respected for something they have done, such as doing very well in a sport or exam.
  • route flapping — flapping router
  • rufflette tape — a kind of heading tape for curtains
  • ruhmkorff coil — induction coil.
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