
13-letter words containing f, u

  • feature shock — (jargon)   (From Alvin Toffler's "Future Shock") A user's confusion when confronted with a package that has too many features and poor introductory material.
  • feature story — a newspaper or magazine article or report of a person, event, an aspect of a major event, or the like, often having a personal slant and written in an individual style. Compare follow-up (def 3b), hard news, news story.
  • featurelessly — In a featureless way; without features.
  • federal court — a court of a federal government, especially one established under the Constitution of the United States.
  • feloniousness — The quality of being felonious.
  • felony murder — a killing treated as a murder because, though unintended, it occurred during the commission or attempted commission of a felony, as robbery.
  • ferae naturae — (of animals) wild or undomesticated (distinguished from domitae naturae).
  • fermentitious — of a fermenting nature
  • ferociousness — savagely fierce, as a wild beast, person, action, or aspect; violently cruel: a ferocious beating.
  • ferroaluminum — a ferroalloy containing up to 80 percent aluminum.
  • ferrochromium — a ferroalloy containing up to 70 percent chromium.
  • ferrotitanium — a ferroalloy containing up to 45 percent titanium.
  • ferrotungsten — a ferroalloy containing up to 80 percent tungsten.
  • ferrous oxide — a black powder, FeO, insoluble in water, soluble in acid.
  • ferrovanadium — a ferroalloy containing up to 55 percent vanadium.
  • feudal system — the political, military, and social system in the Middle Ages, based on the holding of lands in fief or fee and on the resulting relations between lord and vassal.
  • feudalization — to make feudal; bring under the feudal system.
  • feuilletonism — The light, entertaining writing style associated with feuilletons.
  • feuilletonist — a part of a European newspaper devoted to light literature, fiction, criticism, etc.
  • fibromuscular — (anatomy) Of or pertaining to both fibrous and muscular tissue.
  • fibrovascular — composed of fibrous and conductive tissue, as in the vascular systems of higher plants: a fibrovascular bundle.
  • fiddle around — waste time doing sth trivial
  • fidus achates — a faithful friend or companion
  • figure of fun — If you describe someone as a figure of fun, you mean that people think they are ridiculous.
  • figure-ground — a property of perception in which there is a tendency to see parts of a visual field as solid, well-defined objects standing out against a less distinct background.
  • figured glass — plate or sheet glass having a pattern rolled onto one side of the surface.
  • filibustering — Present participle of filibuster.
  • filibusterism — (dated) Piracy, freebooting; the waging of unauthorised war.
  • filibusterous — resembling a filibuster or the actions of a filibuster
  • filipendulous — Suspended by, or strung upon, a thread; said of tuberous swellings in the middle or at the extremities of slender, threadlike rootlets.
  • fill-out form — (programming)   A type of user interface used, for example, on the web, to organise a set of questions or options for the user so that it resembles a traditional paper form that is filled out. Typical query types are: fill-in-the-blank (text), menu of options, select zero or more, or select exactly one ("radio buttons"). Most web browsers support fill-out forms. Overview.
  • film industry — all the companies, studios, people etc involved in making commercial films collectively
  • film sequence — a short piece of film or extract from a film, depicting a specific action or event
  • final curtain — end of a theatre performance
  • fine adjuster — (jargon, tool, humour)   A tool used for percussive maintenance, also known as a "hammer".
  • finger buffet — a buffet meal at which food that may be picked up with the fingers (finger food), such as canapés or vol-au-vents, is served
  • finger puppet — a miniature puppet fitting over and manipulated by one finger.
  • finite clause — a clause with a finite verb in its predicate.
  • first quarter — the instant, approximately one week after a new moon, when one half of the moon's disk is illuminated by the sun.
  • first refusal — If someone has first refusal on something that is being sold or offered, they have the right to decide whether or not to buy it or take it before it is offered to anyone else.
  • fish geranium — zonal geranium.
  • flag of truce — a white flag displayed as an invitation to the enemy to confer, or carried as a sign of peaceful intention by one sent to deal with the enemy.
  • flame cutting — a method of cutting ferrous metals in which the metal is heated by a torch to about 800°C and is oxidized by a stream of oxygen from the torch
  • flannel-mouth — a person whose speech is thick, slow, or halting.
  • flash picture — a photograph made using flash photography.
  • flatbed truck — a truck with a flat platform for its body
  • flavopurpurin — a yellow, crystalline anthraquinone dye, C 14 H 8 O 5 , isomeric with purpurin.
  • flight number — the identifying number of a scheduled flight
  • flirtatiously — given or inclined to flirtation.
  • floatcut file — file with rows of parallel teeth
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