
13-letter words containing f, u

  • discontentful — exhibiting a lack of contentment
  • disfiguration — an act or instance of disfiguring.
  • disfigurement — an act or instance of disfiguring.
  • disfunctional — dysfunction.
  • disgracefully — In a disgraceful manner.
  • disqualifying — Present participle of disqualify.
  • disrespectful — characterized by, having, or showing disrespect; lacking courtesy or esteem: a disrespectful remark about teachers.
  • distastefully — In a distasteful manner.
  • distressfully — In a distressful way; showing distress.
  • distrustfully — In a distrustful manner.
  • double-figure — double-digit.
  • dress uniform — U.S. Air Force. a uniform consisting of the coat and trousers of the service uniform, with a white shirt and black bow tie, worn for formal occasions.
  • duff's device — The most dramatic use yet seen of fall through in C, invented by Tom Duff when he was at Lucasfilm. Trying to bum all the instructions he could out of an inner loop that copied data serially onto an output port, he decided to unroll it. He then realised that the unrolled version could be implemented by *interlacing* the structures of a switch and a loop: register n = (count + 7) / 8; /* count > 0 assumed */ switch (count % 8) { case 0: do { *to = *from++; case 7: *to = *from++; case 6: *to = *from++; case 5: *to = *from++; case 4: *to = *from++; case 3: *to = *from++; case 2: *to = *from++; case 1: *to = *from++; } while (--n > 0); } Shocking though it appears to all who encounter it for the first time, the device is actually perfectly valid, legal C. C's default fall through in case statements has long been its most controversial single feature; Duff observed that "This code forms some sort of argument in that debate, but I'm not sure whether it's for or against."
  • dumbfoundedly — In a dumbfounded manner.
  • dumfriesshire — Also called Dumfriesshire [duhm-frees-sheer, -sher] /dʌmˈfrisˌʃɪər, -ʃər/ (Show IPA). a historic county in S Scotland.
  • dysfunctional — not performing normally, as an organ or structure of the body; malfunctioning.
  • effectualness — The state or condition of being effectual.
  • efficaciously — capable of having the desired result or effect; effective as a means, measure, remedy, etc.: The medicine is efficacious in stopping a cough.
  • effortfulness — (psychology) subjective experience of exertion or effort involved in performing an activity.
  • eigenfunction — Each of a set of independent functions that are the solutions to a given differential equation.
  • electric flux — the product of the electric displacement and the area across which it is displaced in an electric field
  • end of medium — (character)   (EM) ASCII character 25.
  • equidifferent — equilateral; having differences that are equal
  • facetiousness — (uncountable) The state of being facetious.
  • facial tissue — a soft, disposable paper tissue especially for cleansing the face or for use as a handkerchief.
  • facultatively — In a facultative manner.
  • faculty board — the governing body of a faculty
  • faerie queene — a chivalric romance in verse (1590–96) by Edmund Spenser.
  • fairy penguin — a small penguin, Eudyptula minor, with a bluish head and back, found on the Australian coast
  • false bulrush — a tall reedlike marsh plant, Typha latifolia, with straplike leaves and flowers in long brown sausage-shaped spikes: family Typhaceae
  • false colours — a flag to which one is not entitled, flown esp in order to deceive
  • family values — belief in traditional family unit
  • fantabulously — In a fantabulous manner; fantastically, wonderfully.
  • fantin-latour — (Ignace) Henri (Joseph Théodore) [ee-nyas ahn-ree zhaw-zef tey-aw-dawr] /iˈnyas ɑ̃ˈri ʒɔˈzɛf teɪ ɔˈdɔr/ (Show IPA), 1836–1904, French painter.
  • fare-you-well — a state of perfection: The meal was done to a fare-thee-well.
  • farm labourer — a person engaged in physical work on a farm
  • farmer's lung — a lung disorder caused by inhalation of moldy hay dust, marked by shortness of breath, dry cough, and weight loss.
  • fasciculation — a fascicular condition.
  • fashion house — an establishment in which fashionable clothes are designed, made, and sold
  • father figure — a man embodying or seeming to embody the qualities of an idealized conception of the male parent, eliciting from others the emotional responses that a child typically has toward its father.
  • fatiguability — Alternative form of fatigability.
  • fatigue limit — the maximum stress to which a material can be subjected without failing.
  • fatigue party — a group of soldiers undertaking fatigues
  • fatigue ratio — the ratio between the fatigue limit and the tensile strength of a material.
  • fault breccia — angular rock fragments produced by fracture and grinding during faulting and distributed within or adjacent to the fault plane.
  • fault current — A fault current is a current that results from a fault.
  • fault-finding — the act of pointing out faults, especially faults of a petty nature; carping.
  • faultlessness — The quality of being faultless; the absence of faults.
  • faunistically — in a faunistic manner
  • feature creep — creeping featurism
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