
19-letter words containing e, n, g, i

  • granuloma inguinale — a venereal disease marked by deep ulceration of the skin of the groin and external genitals, caused by the bacterium Calymmatobacterium granulomatis.
  • gravitational field — the attractive effect, considered as extending throughout space, of matter on other matter.
  • great idaean mother — Cybele.
  • great indian desert — a desert in NW India and S Pakistan. About 77,000 sq. mi. (200,000 sq. km).
  • great wall of china — a system of fortified walls with a roadway along the top, constructed as a defense for China against the nomads of the regions that are now Mongolia and Manchuria: completed in the 3rd century b.c., but later repeatedly modified and rebuilt. 2000 miles (3220 km) long.
  • great-grandchildren — a grandchild of one's son or daughter.
  • green mountain boys — the members of the armed bands of Vermont organized in 1770 to oppose New York's territorial claims. Under Ethan Allen they won fame in the War of American Independence
  • greenhouse whitefly — See under whitefly.
  • greenstick fracture — an incomplete fracture of a long bone, in which one side is broken and the other side is still intact.
  • greenwich mean time — the time as measured on the prime meridian running through Greenwich, England: used in England and as a standard of calculation elsewhere.
  • gregorian telescope — a telescope similar in design to the Cassegrainian telescope but less widely used.
  • grievance committee — a group of representatives chosen from a labor union or from both labor and management to consider and remedy workers' grievances.
  • grievance procedure — the established series of steps to be taken in dealing with a grievance raised with an employer by an employee
  • grosse pointe farms — a city in SE Michigan, near Detroit.
  • grosse pointe woods — a city in SE Michigan, near Detroit.
  • ground-plane aerial — a quarter-wave vertical dipole aerial in which the electrical image forming the other quarter-wave section is formed by reflection in a system of radially disposed metal rods or in a conductive sheet
  • guerrilla financing — the use of unconventional and marginally legal means to capitalize enterprises
  • gulf of carpentaria — a shallow inlet of the Arafura Sea, in N Australia between Arnhem Land and Cape York Peninsula
  • hang five (or ten) — to ride a surfboard with the toes of one (or both) feet draped over the front edge of the board
  • hang in the balance — to fasten or attach (a thing) so that it is supported only from above or at a point near its own top; suspend.
  • hang on the lips of — to listen to with close attention
  • hanging indentation — a style of text-setting in which the first line of a paragraph is set to the full measure and subsequent lines are indented at the left-hand side
  • harbinger-of-spring — a North American umbelliferous herb, Erigenia bulbosa, having white flowers that bloom early in the spring.
  • haute vulgarisation — vulgarization, or popularization, on a higher level, esp. as done by academics, scholars, etc.
  • have a good mind to — (in a human or other conscious being) the element, part, substance, or process that reasons, thinks, feels, wills, perceives, judges, etc.: the processes of the human mind.
  • have an ax to grind — an instrument with a bladed head on a handle or helve, used for hewing, cleaving, chopping, etc.
  • have designs on sth — If someone has designs on something, they want it and are planning to get it, often in a dishonest way.
  • have sth against sb — If you have something against someone or something, you dislike them.
  • have the makings of — show potential as
  • head-and-tail light — a small South American characin fish, Hemmigrammus ocellifer, having shiny red eyes and tail spots, often kept in aquariums.
  • heel-and-toe racing — race walking.
  • henry the navigatorPrince, 1394–1460, prince of Portugal.
  • hermitian conjugate — adjoint (def 2).
  • high-bush cranberry — cranberry bush
  • high-energy physics — the branch of particle physics that deals with the collisions of particles accelerated to such high energies that new elementary particles are created by the collisions.
  • high-flying tippler — a variety of domestic pigeon bred mainly for flying
  • high-level language — a problem-oriented programming language, as COBOL, FORTRAN, or PL/1, that uses English-like statements and symbols to create sequences of computer instructions and identify memory locations, rather than the machine-specific individual instruction codes and numerical addresses employed by machine language.
  • highland clearances — in Scotland, the removal, often by force, of the people from some parts of the Highlands to make way for sheep, during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries
  • highways department — the department of a state, council, etc, responsible for the upkeep of roads and highways
  • hildegard of bingenHildegard von (Hildegard of Bingen"Sibyl of the Rhine") 1098–1178, German nun, healer, writer, and composer.
  • honorable discharge — a discharge from military service of a person who has fulfilled obligations efficiently, honorably, and faithfully.
  • horizontal encoding — (processor)   An instruction set where each field (a bit or group of bits) in an instruction word controls some functional unit or gate directly, as opposed to vertical encoding where instruction fields are decoded (by hard-wired logic or microcode) to produce the control signals. Horizontal encoding allows all possible combinations of control signals (and therefore operations) to be expressed as instructions whereas vertical encoding uses a shorter instruction word but can only encode those combinations of operations built into the decoding logic. An instruction set may use a mixture of horizontal and vertical encoding within each instruction. Because an architecture using horizontal encoding typically requires more instruction word bits it is sometimes known as a very long instruction word (VLIW) architecture.
  • housing development — a group of houses or apartments, usually of the same size and design, often erected on a tract of land by one builder and controlled by one management.
  • human rights abuses — acts that contravene human rights
  • human rights record — the facts that are known about the tendency of a country, regime, etc, to observe and protect human rights
  • humanist technology — (philosophy)   Technology centered around the interests, needs, and well-being of humans.
  • huntington's chorea — a hereditary disease of the central nervous system characterized by brain deterioration and loss of control over voluntary movements, the symptoms usually appearing in the fourth decade of life.
  • hysterosalpingogram — An X-ray image taken during hysterosalpingography.
  • immigration officer — official administrating incoming foreigners
  • imperative language — (language)   Any programming language that specifies explicit manipulation of the state of the computer system, not to be confused with a procedural language, which specifies an explicit sequence of steps to perform. An example of an imperative (but non-procedural) language is a data manipulation language for a relational database management system. This specifies changes to the database but does not necessarily require anyone to specify a sequence of steps. Both contrast with declarative languages, which specify neither explicit state manipulation nor a sequence of steps.
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