
19-letter words containing e, n, g, i

  • behavioral genetics — an interdisciplinary field studying the effects of genetics and hereditary factors on animal and human behavior.
  • belgian east africa — a former Belgian trust territory in Africa, also (1924–62) Ruanda-Urundi, now the independent countries of Rwanda and Burundi.
  • big-leaved magnolia — evergreen magnolia.
  • bilingual education — schooling in which those not fluent in the standard or national language are taught in their own language.
  • binary large object — (database)   (BLOB) A large block of data stored in a database, such as an image or sound file. A BLOB has no structure which can be interpreted by the database management system but is known only by its size and location.
  • blowing your buffer — (jargon)   Losing your train of thought. A reference to buffer overflow.
  • blue-ringed octopus — a highly venomous octopus, Octopus maculosus, of E Australia which exhibits blue bands on its tentacles when disturbed
  • blue-tongued lizard — a large Australian lizard, Tiliqua scincoides, characterized by having a cobalt-blue tongue.
  • booker t washington — Booker T(aliaferro) [boo k-er tol-uh-ver] /ˈbʊk ər ˈtɒl ə vər/ (Show IPA), 1856–1915, U.S. reformer, educator, author, and lecturer.
  • bordering countries — countries that share a border with a particular country
  • breathing apparatus — an apparatus, usually consisting of tanks of air or oxygen and a mouthpiece, that enables the wearer to breath in difficult conditions such as a smoke-filled building
  • brightline spectrum — the spectrum of an incandescent substance appearing on a spectrogram as one or more bright lines against a dark background.
  • bring into the open — to make evident or public
  • bug tracking system — (programming)   (BTS) A system for receiving and filing bugs reported against a software project, and tracking those bugs until they are fixed. Most major software projects have their own BTS, the source code of which is often available for use by other projects. Well known BTSs include GNATS, Bugzilla, and Debbugs.
  • buildings insurance — insurance which covers buildings
  • business accounting — the keeping of detailed accounts relating to a business or businesses
  • buy a pig in a poke — to buy, get, or agree to something without sight or knowledge of it in advance
  • calculating machine — calculator (sense 3)
  • canterbury pilgrims — the pilgrims whose stories are told in Chaucer's Canterbury Tales
  • capacitive coupling — the connection of two or more circuits by means of a capacitor.
  • captains courageous — a novel (1897) by Rudyard Kipling.
  • carbon steel piping — Carbon steel piping is pipes made of steel with carbon as the main alloying component, used for transporting fluids.
  • carnot refrigerator — a device operating on the Carnot cycle in which the first temperature is higher than the second.
  • catalytic reforming — Catalytic reforming is a process that converts petroleum refinery naphthas to high-octane blending components.
  • catherine of aragon — 1485–1536, first wife of Henry VIII of England and mother of Mary I. The annulment of Henry's marriage to her (1533) against papal authority marked an initial stage in the English Reformation
  • catherine the great — (Sophia Augusta of Anhalt-Zerbst"Catherine the Great") 1729–96, empress of Russia 1762–96.
  • celestial longitude — the angular distance measured eastwards from the vernal equinox to the intersection of the ecliptic with the great circle passing through a celestial body and the poles of the ecliptic
  • centrifugal casting — casting that utilizes centrifugal force within a spinning mold to force the metal against the walls.
  • ceramic engineering — the branch of engineering concerned with the development and production of ceramics.
  • chain-reacting pile — nuclear reactor
  • champagne lifestyle — a lifestyle involving the enjoyment of luxuries and expensive pleasures
  • champagne socialist — a professed socialist who enjoys an extravagant lifestyle
  • champigny-sur-marne — a suburb of Paris, on the River Marne. Pop: 75 556 (2006)
  • champion of england — a hereditary official at British coronations, representing the king (King's Champion) or the queen (Queen's Champion) who is being crowned, and having originally the function of challenging to mortal combat any person disputing the right of the new sovereign to rule.
  • chemical processing — Chemical processing is a way of making changes to chemical compounds.
  • chemical weathering — any of the various weathering processes that cause exposed rock to undergo chemical decomposition, changing the chemical and mineralogical composition of the rock: Oxygen and acids are agents in chemical weathering.
  • chinese finger trap — a child's toy, consisting of a small cylinder of woven straw or paper into which the forefingers are placed, one in each end: the harder one pulls, the more securely the fingers are held.
  • chronological order — the arrangement of things following one after another in time: Put these documents in chronological order.
  • cinematographically — a motion-picture projector.
  • circulating decimal — repeating decimal
  • circulation manager — the senior manager responsible for the distribution of a newspaper
  • claims investigator — A claims investigator is a person who is employed by an insurance company to obtain information necessary to evaluate a claim.
  • clinical governance — a systematic approach to raising standards of health care and tackling poor performance in hospitals
  • coefficient of drag — the ratio of the drag on a body moving through air to the product of the velocity and surface area of the body.
  • common-law marriage — a marriage deemed to exist after a couple have cohabited for several years
  • community programme — (in Britain) a former government scheme to provide temporary work for people unemployed for over a year
  • competitive bidding — a system by which a contract is awarded to the lowest bidder
  • compression molding — a method of molding thermosetting plastic by closing a mold on it, forming the material by heat and pressure.
  • congestion charging — the practice of charging motorists for the right to drive on busy roads, esp at busy times
  • consultant engineer — an engineer who works as a consultant to a project or company
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