
19-letter words containing e, n, g, i

  • drawing-room comedy — a light, sophisticated comedy typically set in a drawing room with characters drawn from polite society.
  • duplicating machine — a duplicator, especially one for making identical copies of documents, letters, etc.
  • dwight d eisenhowerDwight David ("Ike") 1890–1969, U.S. general and statesman: Chief of Staff 1945–48; 34th president of the U.S. 1953–61.
  • earthquake engineer — a civil engineer who studies the effects of seismic activity on structures and consults on earthquake-resistant design and construction.
  • economic management — the management of the resources, finances, income, and expenditure of a community, business enterprise, etc
  • efficiency engineer — a person whose work is to increase the productive efficiency of a business or industry by finding better methods of performing various operations, reducing waste and costs, etc.
  • eight queens puzzle — (algorithm)   A puzzle in which one has to place eight queens on a chessboard such that no queen is attacking any other, i.e. no two queens occupy the same row, column or diagonal. One may have to produce all possible such configurations or just one. It is a common students assignment to devise a program to solve the eight queens puzzle. The brute force algorithm tries all 64*63*62*61*60*59*58*57 = 178,462,987,637,760 possible layouts of eight pieces on a chessboard to see which ones meet the criterion. More intelligent algorithms use the fact that there are only ten positions for the first queen that are not reflections of each other, and that the first queen leaves at most 42 safe squares, giving only 10*42*41*40*39*38*37*36 = 1,359,707,731,200 layouts to try, and so on. The puzzle may be varied with different number of pieces and different size boards.
  • electrical engineer — An electrical engineer is a person who uses scientific knowledge to design, construct, and maintain electrical devices.
  • electromagnetically — By means of electromagnetism.
  • electron micrograph — a photograph or image of a specimen taken using an electron microscope
  • electronegativities — Plural form of electronegativity.
  • electronic engineer — a person who is qualified or expert in electronic engineering
  • electronic graphics — (on television) the production of graphic designs and text by electronic means
  • electronic ignition — any system that uses an electronic circuit to supply the voltage to the sparking plugs of an internal-combustion engine
  • electronic magazine — (messaging, publication, web)   (e-zine) A regular publication on some particular topic distributed in digital form, chiefly now via the web but also by electronic mail or floppy disk. E-zines are often distributed for free by enthusiasts.
  • enabling technology — technology that enables the user to perform a task or to improve his or her overall performance: e.g. the internet
  • energy conservation — concerted formal or government action or policy to make sure that energy is not wasted
  • engineering factory — a factory where engineering products are made
  • english toy spaniel — breed of dog
  • entitlement program — a government program providing defined sectors of the population with social benefits
  • equatorial mounting — an astronomical telescope mounting that allows motion of the telescope about two mutually perpendicular axes, one of which is parallel to the earth's axis
  • error-based testing — (programming)   Testing where information about programming style, error-prone language constructs, and other programming knowledge is applied to select test data capable of detecting faults, either a specified class of faults or all possible faults.
  • euclidean algorithm — Euclid's Algorithm
  • evaluation strategy — reduction strategy
  • evaporative cooling — a method of reducing temperature that uses evaporation
  • executive agreement — an agreement made between the US President and the head of a foreign state, having the effect of a treaty
  • extreme programming — a discipline of software engineering following a specific structure, designed to simplify and speed up the development process
  • fault-based testing — (testing)   Software testing using test data designed to demonstrate the absence of a set of pre-specified faults; typically, frequently occurring faults. For example, to demonstrate that the software handles or avoids divide by zero correctly, the test data would include zero.
  • fight to the finish — A fight to the finish is one in which one of the people or groups fighting is killed or completely defeated.
  • fighter-interceptor — a fighter plane used for the defense of a region against air attack, especially by attacking bombers.
  • figurative language — language that contains or uses figures of speech, especially metaphors.
  • finger on the pulse — If you have your finger on the pulse of something, you know all the latest opinions or developments concerning it.
  • finite differencing — strength reduction
  • fix someone's wagon — any of various kinds of four-wheeled vehicles designed to be pulled or having its own motor and ranging from a child's toy to a commercial vehicle for the transport of heavy loads, delivery, etc.
  • fixed exchange rate — finance: set rate of exchange
  • fixed-wing aircraft — a heavier-than-air aircraft capable of flight whose lift is generated not by wing motion relative to the aircraft, but by forward motion through the air
  • flag of convenience — the foreign flag under which merchant ships register in order to save on taxes or wages, or to avoid government regulations.
  • floating restaurant — a boat or ship that has been converted for use as a restaurant
  • flowering raspberry — a shrub, Rubus ordoratus, of eastern North America, having loose clusters of showy purplish or rose-purple flowers and inedible, dry, red fruit.
  • foregone conclusion — an inevitable conclusion or result.
  • fortification agate — an agate, used as a gem, having polygonal banding such that it suggests the plan of a bastion.
  • forward engineering — (process)   The traditional process of moving from high-level abstractions and logical, implementation-independent designs to the physical implementation of a system. Contrast reverse engineering.
  • forward integration — the acquisition of all or part of a distribution chain by a firm that sells the goods distributed, so that the firm becomes or become closer to the direct seller of the goods
  • free alongside quay — (of a shipment of goods) delivered to the quay without charge to the buyer
  • free alongside ship — (of a shipment of goods) delivered to the dock without charge to the buyer, but excluding the cost of loading onto the vessel
  • freezing injunction — an order enabling the court to freeze the assets of a defendant, esp to prevent him or her taking them abroad
  • front-end financing — money or costs required or incurred in advance of a project in order to get it under way
  • front-fastening bra — a bra which is fastened together at the front of the body
  • frontier technology — innovative or new technology
  • functional language — (language)   A language that supports and encourages functional programming.
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