
16-letter words containing e, n, g, i

  • golden rain tree — an ornamental tree, Koelreuteria paniculata, of the soapberry family, native to China and adjacent areas, having pinnate leaves, large clusters of fragrant yellow flowers, and inflated pods containing black seeds used as beads.
  • golden retriever — one of an English breed of retrievers having a thick, flat or wavy, golden coat.
  • government issue — (often initial capital letter) issued or supplied by the government or one of its agencies.
  • governmentalized — Simple past tense and past participle of governmentalize.
  • governors island — an island in New York Bay at the S end of the East River: U.S. military post. 2 sq. mi. (5 sq. km).
  • grade separation — separation of the levels at which roads, railroads, paths, etc., cross one another in order to prevent conflicting rows of traffic or the possibility of accidents.
  • grant-maintained — funded by national government
  • granulocytopenia — a diminished number of granulocytes in the blood, which occurs in certain forms of anaemia
  • granville-barkerHarley, 1877–1946, English dramatist, actor, and critic.
  • graphic designer — person: commercial artist
  • graphic language — For specifying graphic operations.
  • gravity decanter — A gravity decanter is a vessel or stage in which two liquids of different densities are allowed to separate by gravity.
  • great depression — the economic crisis and period of low business activity in the U.S. and other countries, roughly beginning with the stock-market crash in October, 1929, and continuing through most of the 1930s.
  • great-grandchild — a grandchild of one's son or daughter.
  • great-grandniece — a granddaughter of one's nephew or niece.
  • greater antilles — See under Antilles.
  • green revolution — an increase in food production, especially in underdeveloped and developing nations, through the introduction of high-yield crop varieties and application of modern agricultural techniques.
  • greyhound racing — a sport in which a mechanically propelled dummy hare is pursued by greyhounds around a race track
  • grid declination — the angular difference between true north and grid north on a map
  • grignard reagent — any of the group of reagents produced by the interaction of magnesium and an organic halide, usually in the presence of an ether, and having the general formula RMgX, where R is an organic group and X is a halogen: used in the Grignard reaction.
  • grin and bear it — to suffer trouble or hardship without complaint
  • grind your teeth — If you grind your teeth, you rub your upper and lower teeth together as though you are chewing something.
  • grit one's teeth — abrasive particles or granules, as of sand or other small, coarse impurities found in the air, food, water, etc.
  • gross negligence — extreme carelessness that shows wilful or reckless disregard for the consequences to the safety or property of another
  • group identifier — (operating system)   (gid) A unique number, between 0 an 32767, identifying a set of users under Unix. Gids are found in the /etc/passwd and /etc/group databases (or their NIS equivalents) and one is also associated with each file, indicating the group to which its group permissions apply.
  • growth potential — capability of expanding
  • gutierrez najera — Manuel [mah-nwel] /mɑˈnwɛl/ (Show IPA), ("El Duque Job") 1859–95, Mexican poet, short-story writer, and editor.
  • guy fawkes night — In Britain, Guy Fawkes Night is the evening of 5th November, when many people have parties with bonfires and fireworks. It began as a way of remembering the attempt by Guy Fawkes to blow up the Houses of Parliament in 1605. Guy Fawkes Night is often referred to as 'Bonfire Night'.
  • hacienda heights — a city in SW California, near Los Angeles.
  • hailing distance — the distance within which the human voice can be heard: They sailed within hailing distance of the island.
  • hamming distance — (data)   The minimum number of bits that must be changed in order to convert one bit string into another. Named after the mathematician Richard Hamming.
  • handling charges — a fee paid to cover the packaging, transport, etc, of a commodity
  • hanging wardrobe — a wardrobe containing a rail with a large amount of space underneath, so that clothes can be hung on hangers placed onto the rail
  • hanseatic league — a medieval league of towns of northern Germany and adjacent countries for the promotion and protection of commerce.
  • hawaiian gardens — a town in SW California.
  • headhunting firm — a recruiting agency
  • hearing-impaired — having reduced or deficient hearing ability; hard-of-hearing: special programs for hearing-impaired persons.
  • heating engineer — a person whose job is to install and maintain equipment used for heating buildings
  • hebbian learning — (artificial intelligence)   The most common way to train a neural network; a kind of unsupervised learning; named after canadian neuropsychologist, Donald O. Hebb. The algorithm is based on Hebb's Postulate, which states that where one cell's firing repeatedly contributes to the firing of another cell, the magnitude of this contribution will tend to increase gradually with time. This means that what may start as little more than a coincidental relationship between the firing of two nearby neurons becomes strongly causal. Despite limitations with Hebbian learning, e.g., the inability to learn certain patterns, variations such as Signal Hebbian Learning and Differential Hebbian Learning are still used.
  • hemagglutinating — That causes hemagglutination.
  • hemagglutination — the clumping of red blood cells.
  • hemangioblastoma — (medicine) Any of several benign neoplasm tumours of the brain.
  • here we go again — You use expressions such as 'here we go' and 'here we go again' in order to indicate that something is happening again in the way that you expected, especially something unpleasant.
  • herpes genitalis — genital herpes.
  • herringbone bond — a brickwork bond in which the exposed brickwork is bonded to the heart of the wall by concealed courses of bricks laid diagonally to the faces of the wall in a herringbone pattern, with the end of each brick butting against the side of the adjoining brick; a form of raking bond.
  • herringbone gear — a helical gear having teeth that lie on the pitch cylinder in a V -shaped form so that one half of each tooth is on a right-handed helix and the other half on a left-handed helix.
  • hesselman engine — a low-compression oil engine requiring a spark for ignition.
  • heterosuggestion — Suggestion from outside.
  • high renaissance — a style of art developed in Italy in the late 15th and early 16th centuries, chiefly characterized by an emphasis on draftsmanship, schematized, often centralized compositions, and the illusion of sculptural volume in painting. Compare Early Renaissance, Venetian (def 2).
  • high-compression — of a modern type of internal-combustion engine designed so that the fuel mixture is compressed into a smaller cylinder space, resulting in more pressure on the pistons and more power
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