
16-letter words containing e, n, g, i

  • earth-shattering — earthshaking.
  • eastern kingbird — any of several American tyrant flycatchers of the genus Tyrannus, especially T. tyrannus (eastern kingbird) of North America, known for their pugnacious disposition toward predators.
  • eclipsing binary — a variable star whose changes in brightness are caused by periodic eclipses of two stars in a binary system.
  • ecological niche — niche (def 3).
  • economic embargo — a legal stoppage of commerce, usually taken by one nation or group of nations to harm the economy of another nation or group, often to force a political change
  • economic geology — the branch of geology dealing with the location and exploitation of industrial materials obtained from the earth.
  • economic migrant — person: seeks work abroad
  • edinburgh prolog — Prolog dialect which eventually developed into the standard, as opposed to Marseille Prolog. (The difference is largely syntax.) Clocksin & Mellish describe Edinburgh Prolog. Version: C-Prolog.
  • eigenfrequencies — Plural form of eigenfrequency.
  • eighteen-wheeler — a tractor-trailer having eighteen wheels
  • el camino bignum — (humour)   /el' k*-mee'noh big'nuhm/ The road mundanely called El Camino Real, a road through the San Francisco peninsula that originally extended all the way down to Mexico City and many portions of which are still intact. Navigation on the San Francisco peninsula is usually done relative to El Camino Real, which defines logical north and south even though it isn't really north-south many places. El Camino Real runs right past Stanford University. The Spanish word "real" (which has two syllables: /ray-al'/) means "royal"; El Camino Real is "the royal road". In the Fortran language, a "real" quantity is a number typically precise to seven significant digits, and a "double precision" quantity is a larger floating-point number, precise to perhaps fourteen significant digits (other languages have similar "real" types). When a hacker from MIT visited Stanford in 1976, he remarked what a long road El Camino Real was. Making a pun on "real", he started calling it "El Camino Double Precision" - but when the hacker was told that the road was hundreds of miles long, he renamed it "El Camino Bignum", and that name has stuck. (See bignum).
  • electric welding — the process of welding together, through the use of the heat that is produced by an electric current, pieces of metal
  • electromagnetics — Electricity and magnetism, collectively, as a field of study.
  • electromagnetism — The interaction of electric currents or fields and magnetic fields.
  • electromigration — (physics) the transport of small particles under the influence of an electric charge.
  • electronic organ — an electrophonic instrument played by means of a keyboard, in which sounds are produced and amplified by any of various electronic or electrical means
  • elegiac quatrain — a poetic stanza consisting of four lines of iambic pentameter rhyming alternately.
  • elimination game — In sports, an elimination game is a game that decides which team or player will take part in the next stage of a particular competition.
  • embourgeoisement — (chiefly UK) The taking-up of middle-class attitudes or values; bourgeoisification; the process of becoming affluent.
  • encephalitogenic — That can cause encephalitis.
  • encephalographic — Relating to, or employing encephalography.
  • ending inventory — An ending inventory is all of the goods, services, or materials that a business has available for use or sale at the end of an accounting period.
  • endocrinologists — Plural form of endocrinologist.
  • energy-efficient — A device or building that is energy-efficient uses relatively little energy to provide the power it needs.
  • energy-intensive — using large amount of energy
  • engineer officer — a ship's officer who is qualified to be in charge of the vessel's propulsion and other machinery
  • engineer's chain — a unit of length equal to 100 feet
  • english canadian — a Canadian citizen whose first language is English, esp one of English descent
  • english heritage — an organization, partly funded by government aid, that looks after ancient monuments and historic buildings in England
  • english-speaking — speaking English as a mother tongue
  • englishman's tie — a type of knot for tying together heavy ropes
  • enough is enough — expressing exasperation
  • entrenching tool — a small, collapsible spade used by a soldier in the field for digging foxholes and the like.
  • epigallocatechin — Gallocatechol.
  • equational logic — (logic)   First-order equational logic consists of quantifier-free terms of ordinary first-order logic, with equality as the only predicate symbol. The model theory of this logic was developed into Universal algebra by Birkhoff et al. [Birkhoff, Gratzer, Cohn]. It was later made into a branch of category theory by Lawvere ("algebraic theories").
  • equity weighting — the practice of assigning different values to currencies according to factors such as geographical location and climate
  • eternal triangle — You use the eternal triangle to refer to a relationship involving love and jealousy between two men and a woman or two women and a man.
  • ethnic cleansing — genocide
  • ethnographically — Regarding the ethnography (of a region).
  • ethnolinguistics — The field of linguistic anthropology which studies the language of a specific ethnic group.
  • etiopathogenesis — (medicine) The cause and subsequent development of an abnormal condition or of a disease.
  • evangelistically — In an evangelistic manner.
  • evening primrose — flowering plant
  • exciting current — the current in a field winding.
  • executive lounge — a room in an airport in which people who are travelling first class can wait for their flight in comfort
  • extreme fighting — a combat sport incorporating techniques from a range of martial arts, with little if any regulation of the types of blows permissible
  • face recognition — the ability of a computer to scan, store, and recognize human faces for use in identifying people
  • facial neuralgia — paroxysmal darting pain and muscular twitching in the face, evoked by rubbing certain points of the face.
  • falling sickness — epilepsy.
  • fashion designer — creator of clothing designs
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