
16-letter words containing e, n, g, i

  • gastro-resistant — A gastro-resistant tablet is designed to temporarily withstand attack by stomach acid.
  • gastrointestinal — of, relating to, or affecting the stomach and intestines.
  • gaudí (i cornet) — An‧to‧nio (ɑnˈtɔnjɔ ) ; änt^ōˈny^ō) 1852-1926; Sp. architect
  • gaussian integer — a complex number of the form a + bi where a and b are integers.
  • gelatin dynamite — a high explosive consisting of a gelatinized mass of nitroglycerin with cellulose nitrate added.
  • gemini telescope — either of two identical 8-metre telescopes for optical and near-infrared observations built by an international consortium. Gemini North is in Hawaii at an altitude of 4200 m on Mauna Kea and Gemini South is in Chile at 2715 m on Cerro Pachón
  • gender dysphoria — a psychological condition marked by significant emotional distress and impairment in life functioning, caused by a lack of congruence between gender identity and biological sex assigned at birth.
  • gender selection — choosing the sex of a baby
  • gender-normative — cisgender.
  • gender-profiling — the use of personal characteristics or behavior patterns to make generalizations about a person, as in gender profiling.
  • general american — any form of American English speech considered to show few regional peculiarities, usually including all dialects except for eastern New England, New York City, Southern, and South Midland (no longer in technical use). Abbreviation: GA.
  • general aviation — aviation including business flying, sports flying, and crop dusting.
  • general delivery — a postal service that delivers mail to a specific post office where it is held for pickup by the addressee.
  • general election — U.S. Politics. a regularly scheduled local, state, or national election in which voters elect officeholders. Compare primary (def 15). a state or national election, as opposed to a local election.
  • general electric — (company)   (GE) A US company that manufactured computers from 1956 until 1970, when it sold its computer division to Honeywell and left the computer business. Notable GE computers were the GE-265, which supported the Dartmouth Time-sharing System (DTSS), and the GE-645 used for Multics development. See also GCOS. Not to be confused with the General Electric Company (GEC) in the UK (where FOLDOC's first seeds were sown).
  • general hospital — A general hospital is a hospital that does not specialize in the treatment of particular illnesses or patients.
  • general medicine — non-surgical branch of medicine
  • general practice — family practice.
  • general sessions — a court of general jurisdiction in criminal cases in some U.S. states.
  • general solution — a solution to a differential equation that contains arbitrary, unevaluated constants.
  • generalisability — Non-Oxford British standard spelling of generalizability.
  • generalizability — The quality of being generalizable.
  • generation jones — members of the generation of people born in the Western world between the mid-1950s and the mid-1960s
  • genetic disorder — disease caused by abnormal DNA
  • genetic material — material that stores genetic information; DNA
  • genetic-engineer — the development and application of scientific methods, procedures, and technologies that permit direct manipulation of genetic material in order to alter the hereditary traits of a cell, organism, or population.
  • gentleman friend — a man with whom a woman is romantically involved; suitor.
  • geochronological — Of or pertaining to geochronology.
  • geochronologists — Plural form of geochronologist.
  • geographic range — the distance at which a certain light, as that of a lighthouse, is visible to the eye at a given elevation, assuming that the weather is clear and that the light is sufficiently powerful to be visible from any point at which it appears above the horizon.
  • geostrophic wind — a wind whose velocity and direction are mathematically defined by the balanced relationship of the pressure gradient force and the Coriolis force: conceived as blowing parallel to isobars.
  • germinal vesicle — the large, vesicular nucleus of an ovum before the polar bodies are formed.
  • gerontomorphosis — Biology. evolutionary specialization of a species to a degree that decreases its capability for further adaptation and eventually leads to its extinction.
  • get into trouble — be punished for wrongdoing
  • get on your wick — If you say that someone or something gets on your wick, you mean that they annoy and irritate you.
  • get one's eye in — to become accustomed to the conditions, light, etc, with a consequent improvement in one's performance
  • giant's causeway — a large body of basalt, unusual in displaying perfect columnar jointing, exposed on a promontory on the northern coast of Northern Ireland.
  • gilding the lily — If you say that someone is gilding the lily, you mean that they are spoiling something that is already beautiful or perfect by trying to improve it or by praising it too highly.
  • gingerbread palm — doom palm.
  • gingerbread plum — a tree, Neocarya macrophylla, of western Africa, bearing a large, edible, starchy fruit.
  • gingerbread tree — a W African tree, Parinari macrophyllum, with large mealy edible fruits (gingerbread plums): family Chrysobalanaceae
  • gird one's loins — Usually, loins. the part or parts of the human body or of a quadruped animal on either side of the spinal column, between the false ribs and hipbone.
  • giuseppe mazzini — Giuseppe [joo-zep-pe] /dʒuˈzɛp pɛ/ (Show IPA), 1805–72, Italian patriot and revolutionary.
  • give someone one — to have sex with someone
  • glendale heights — a city in NE Illinois.
  • globigerina ooze — a calcareous deposit occurring upon ocean beds and consisting mainly of the shells of dead foraminifers, especially globigerina.
  • glove anesthesia — loss of sensation in the hand
  • gnu archive site — (body)   The main GNU FTP archive is on gnu.org but copies ("mirrors") of some or all of the files there are also held on many other computers around the world. To avoid overloading gnu.org and the Internet you should FTP files from the machine closest to yours. Look for a directory like /pub/gnu, /mirrors/gnu, /systems/gnu or /archives/gnu.
  • go into the tank — a large receptacle, container, or structure for holding a liquid or gas: tanks for storing oil.
  • golden delicious — a bright yellow type of Delicious apple.
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