
13-letter words containing e, m, t, i

  • straight time — the time or number of hours established as standard for a specific work period in a particular industry, usually computed on the basis of a workweek and fixed variously from 35 to 40 hours.
  • stratum title — a system of registered ownership of space in multistorey buildings, to be equivalent to the ownership of the land of a single-storey building
  • striped maple — a maple, Acer pensylvanicum, of northeastern North America, having white-striped bark.
  • strong-minded — having a forceful and independent mind.
  • sublime porte — official name of Porte.
  • submillimeter — less than a millimeter in size: a submillimeter wave.
  • submillimetre — a microscopic division of a millimetre
  • suggestionism — the art of hypnotic suggestion
  • superdiplomat — a highly skilled or powerful diplomat, a high-ranking diplomat
  • superdominant — submediant.
  • supermajority — a majority that must represent some percentage more than a simple majority.
  • supermilitant — highly militant
  • superminister — a minister with a wide range of responsibilities
  • supermotility — Biology. moving or capable of moving spontaneously: motile cells; motile spores.
  • superromantic — exceptionally romantic
  • supplementing — something added to complete a thing, supply a deficiency, or reinforce or extend a whole.
  • sutter's mill — the location in California, NE of Sacramento, near which gold was discovered in 1848, precipitating the gold rush of 1849.
  • sweet william — a pink, Dianthus barbatus, having clusters of small, variously colored flowers.
  • symmetrically — characterized by or exhibiting symmetry; well-proportioned, as a body or whole; regular in form or arrangement of corresponding parts.
  • sympiesometer — a barometer using a gas, rather than a vacuum, to measure pressure
  • synaposematic — relating to synaposematism
  • systematician — a person who adheres to, or creates, a system
  • systemization — systematize.
  • taedium vitae — the feeling that life is boring and dull
  • tail assembly — the tail part of a plane
  • tariff reform — increase in import duties
  • tartar emetic — antimony potassium tartrate, K(SbO)C4H4O6·1⁄2H2O, a poisonous, odorless, white salt used in medicine to cause expectoration, vomiting, and perspiration, and in dyeing as a mordant
  • task-mistress — a woman whose function it is to assign tasks, especially burdensome ones, to others.
  • tax exemption — immunity from paying tax
  • te waipounamu — a Māori name for New Zealand's South Island
  • team teaching — a system whereby two or more teachers pool their skills, knowledge, etc, to teach combined classes
  • teasel family — the plant family Dipsacaceae, characterized by herbaceous plants having opposite or whorled leaves, dense flower heads surrounded by an involucre, and small, dry fruit, and including the scabious and teasel.
  • telecommuting — working at home by using a computer terminal electronically linked to one's place of employment.
  • telefacsimile — facsimile (def 2).
  • telegrammatic — a message or communication sent by telegraph; a telegraphic dispatch.
  • telemarketing — selling or advertising by telephone.
  • telemechanics — the science or practice of operating mechanisms by remote control.
  • telescopiform — having body parts which resemble a telescope in that the retract within one another
  • televangelism — Christian preaching on TV
  • tell the time — to read the time from a clock
  • temerariously — in an audacious manner
  • temporariness — lasting, existing, serving, or effective for a time only; not permanent: a temporary need; a temporary job.
  • temporization — to be indecisive or evasive to gain time or delay acting.
  • temporizingly — in a yielding manner
  • tender-minded — compassionate and idealistic.
  • terbium metal — any of a subgroup of rare-earth metals, of which the cerium and yttrium metals comprise the other two subgroups.
  • terbium oxide — an amorphous white powder, Tb 2 O 3 .
  • terminal post — A terminal post is the terminal on a battery to which the battery lead is attached.
  • terminatively — in a finalizing manner
  • the big smoke — a large city, esp London
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