
13-letter words containing e, m, t, i

  • screaming tty — [Unix] A terminal line which spews an infinite number of random characters at the operating system. This can happen if the terminal is either disconnected or connected to a powered-off terminal but still enabled for login; misconfiguration, misimplementation, or simple bad luck can start such a terminal screaming. A screaming tty or two can seriously degrade the performance of a vanilla Unix system; the arriving "characters" are treated as userid/password pairs and tested as such. The Unix password encryption algorithm is designed to be computationally intensive in order to foil brute-force crack attacks, so although none of the logins succeeds; the overhead of rejecting them all can be substantial.
  • security firm — a firm which provides guards for buildings, and other security services and personnel
  • sedimentation — the deposition or accumulation of sediment.
  • sedimentology — the study of sedimentary rocks.
  • segmentalized — separated into parts, sections, elements, classes, etc.; compartmentalized: a segmentalized society.
  • selenotropism — growth in response to moonlight.
  • self-admitted — admitting to a specific charge or accusation; self-confessed: a self-admitted spy.
  • self-emptying — containing nothing; having none of the usual or appropriate contents: an empty bottle.
  • self-estimate — to form an approximate judgment or opinion regarding the worth, amount, size, weight, etc., of; calculate approximately: to estimate the cost of a college education.
  • self-immunity — the state of being immune from or insusceptible to a particular disease or the like.
  • self-limiting — limiting oneself or itself: a self-limiting authority.
  • self-medicate — to medicate oneself without consulting a physician
  • semi-abstract — pertaining to or designating a style of painting or sculpture in which the subject remains recognizable although the forms are highly stylized in a manner derived from abstract art.
  • semi-attached — partially attached; semidetached.
  • semi-autonomy — the quality or state of being semiautonomous.
  • semi-comatose — a light coma from which a person can be roused.
  • semi-detached — partly detached.
  • semi-finalist — A semi-finalist is a player, athlete, or team that is competing in a semi-final.
  • semi-mythical — pertaining to, of the nature of, or involving a myth.
  • semi-parasite — Biology. commonly parasitic but also capable of living on dead or decaying animal matter.
  • semi-tropical — Semi-tropical places have warm, wet air.
  • semi-vitreous — partially vitreous.
  • semiautomated — partially automated.
  • semiautomatic — partly automatic.
  • semiconductor — a substance, as silicon or germanium, with electrical conductivity intermediate between that of an insulator and a conductor: a basic component of various kinds of electronic circuit element (semiconductor device) used in communications, control, and detection technology and in computers.
  • semimenstrual — (esp of tides) occurring twice monthly
  • semipalatinsk — a city in NE Kazakhstan, on the Irtysh River.
  • semipalmation — the state of being semipalmate
  • semiparasitic — Biology. commonly parasitic but also capable of living on dead or decaying animal matter.
  • semiperimeter — half the perimeter of an object or shape
  • semipermanent — not quite permanent.
  • semipolitical — of a partially political nature; having some political features.
  • semisedentary — partially or somewhat sedentary
  • semisynthetic — derived synthetically from one or more substances of natural origin.
  • semiwater gas — a mixed gas formed by passing steam and air over a carbon source
  • sempstressing — the profession of being a seamstress
  • senior master — a male teacher in a senior position
  • senior moment — a brief lapse in memory or a moment of confusion, especially in an older person.
  • sensitometric — of or relating to sensitometry
  • sentimentally — expressive of or appealing to sentiment, especially the tender emotions and feelings, as love, pity, or nostalgia: a sentimental song.
  • septempartite — separated into seven sections.
  • set in motion — prompt, cause to begin
  • sex chromatin — Barr body.
  • short-termism — If you accuse people of short-termism, you mean that they make decisions that produce benefits now or soon, rather than making better decisions that will produce benefits in the future.
  • siamese twins — (not in technical use) conjoined twin.
  • sidereal time — time measured by the diurnal motion of stars. A sidereal day is about four minutes shorter than a solar day, with hours, minutes, and seconds all proportionally shorter.
  • sigmoidectomy — surgical removal of the sigmoid colon
  • silver-y moth — a brownish noctuid moth, Plusia gamma, having a light Y-shaped marking on each forewing; it migrates in large flocks
  • single combat — combat between two persons.
  • single market — a market consisting of a number of nations, esp those of the European Union, in which goods, capital, and currencies can move freely across borders without tariffs or restrictions
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