
13-letter words containing e, m, t, i

  • primogenitrix — a primogenitor who is female
  • primogeniture — the state or fact of being the firstborn of children of the same parents.
  • primrose path — a way of life devoted to irresponsible hedonism, often of a sensual nature: The evangelist exhorted us to avoid the primrose path and stick to the straight and narrow.
  • prism diopter — a unit of prismatic deviation, in which the number one represents a prism that deflects a beam of light a distance of one centimeter on a plane placed normal to the initial direction of the beam and one meter away from the prism.
  • prison inmate — a person who is confined in a prison
  • privateersman — an officer or sailor of a privateer.
  • problematical — of the nature of a problem; doubtful; uncertain; questionable.
  • profit motive — the desire for profit that motivates one to engage in business ventures.
  • progametangia — Mycology. the hyphal tip of certain fungi that produces the gametangium and subsequent gamete.
  • proper motion — Astronomy. the angular motion of a star relative to a suitably defined frame of reference, expressed in seconds of arc per year.
  • protectionism — Economics. the theory, practice, or system of fostering or developing domestic industries by protecting them from foreign competition through duties or quotas imposed on importations.
  • protestantism — the religion of Protestants.
  • proto-elamite — the indigenous script of Elam, found on inscriptions and tablets from the fourth millennium b.c.
  • prudentialism — a regard for prudential, rather than moral, considerations
  • psychometrics — the measurement of mental traits, abilities, and processes.
  • psychomimetic — psychotomimetic.
  • psychrometric — relating to psychrometry
  • purple martin — a large American swallow, Progne subis, the male of which is blue-black.
  • pyrheliometer — an instrument for measuring the total intensity of the sun's energy radiation.
  • pyrimethamine — a potent substance, C 1 2 H 1 3 ClN 4 , used against susceptible plasmodia in the prophylactic treatment of malaria and against Toxoplasma gondi in the treatment of toxoplasmosis.
  • pythian games — (in ancient Greece) the second most important Panhellenic festival, celebrated in the third year of each Olympiad near Delphi. The four-year period between celebrations was known as a Pythiad (ˈpɪθɪˌæd )
  • quadrumvirate — a governing or managing group, coalition, or the like, of four persons.
  • quarter-miler — an athlete who specializes in running the quarter mile or the 400 metres
  • quartodeciman — one of a group of early Christians who observed Easter on the day of the Jewish Passover regardless of whether or not it was Sunday
  • question mark — Also called interrogation point, interrogation mark. a mark indicating a question: usually, as in English, the mark (?) placed after a question.
  • question time — a time set aside in a session during which members of a parliament may question a minister or ministers regarding state affairs.
  • radiotelegram — a message transmitted by radiotelegraphy.
  • ramapithecine — of or relating to an extinct hominoid of the genus Ramapithecus
  • raw materials — Raw materials are materials that are in their natural state, before they are processed or used in manufacturing.
  • re-admittance — permission or right to enter: admittance into the exhibit room.
  • re-enlistment — the act or state of being re-enlisted into the armed forces
  • re-indictment — an act of indicting.
  • re-submitting — to give over or yield to the power or authority of another (often used reflexively).
  • reacclimatize — to acclimatize or become acclimatized again
  • reaction time — the interval between stimulation and response.
  • reactionarism — of, pertaining to, marked by, or favoring reaction, especially extreme conservatism or rightism in politics; opposing political or social change.
  • reaffirmation — the act or an instance of affirming; state of being affirmed.
  • reappointment — a fixed mutual agreement for a meeting; engagement: We made an appointment to meet again.
  • recombination — any of several processes by which genetic material of different origins becomes combined. It most commonly occurs between two sets of parental chromosomes during production of germ cells
  • recompilation — the act of compiling: the compilation of documents.
  • recomposition — to compose again; reconstitute; rearrange.
  • recomputation — an act, process, or method of computing; calculation.
  • reconcilement — to cause (a person) to accept or be resigned to something not desired: He was reconciled to his fate.
  • reconsignment — a consigning again.
  • recontaminate — to contaminate (an area, person, hands, etc) again
  • recrimination — the act of recriminating, or countercharging: Hope gave way to recrimination with both sides claiming the moral high ground.
  • reexamination — further study or inspection
  • refashionment — the act or state of being refashioned
  • reformability — the extent to which something or someone is reformable; the capability or susceptibility to reform
  • reformulation — to formulate again.
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