
12-letter words containing c, e, l, o

  • thundercloud — cumulonimbus.
  • tick trefoil — any of numerous plants belonging to the genus Desmodium, of the legume family, having trifoliolate leaves and jointed pods with hooked hairs by which they adhere to objects.
  • tickler coil — the coil by which the plate circuit of a vacuum tube is inductively coupled with the grid circuit in the process of regeneration.
  • to cut loose — If a person or an organization cuts loose or is cut loose, they become free from the influence or authority of other people.
  • to lose face — If you lose face, you do something which makes you appear weak and makes people respect or admire you less. If you do something in order to save face, you do it in order to avoid appearing weak and losing people's respect or admiration.
  • tobacco leaf — the leaves of the tobacco plant, used for the production of cigarettes and tobacco
  • tone cluster — a group of adjacent notes played on a keyboard instrument typically with the fist, forearm, or elbow, similar groupings also occurring in orchestral music.
  • tone control — a manual control used to adjust the relative responses of an amplifier to high, low, and intermediate audio frequencies.
  • tool subject — a subject that, when mastered, equips students with a skill useful in studying other subjects: Grammar is a tool subject for English composition.
  • tooth chisel — a stonecutter's chisel having a toothed edge.
  • torchon lace — a bobbin-made linen or cotton lace with loosely twisted threads in simple, open patterns.
  • total recall — the ability to remember with complete, detailed accuracy.
  • touch-tackle — touch football.
  • touchy-feely — Informal. emphasizing or marked by emotional openness and enthusiastic physicality: a touchy-feely encounter group.
  • tow-coloured — pale yellow; flaxen
  • trace fossil — a fossilized track, trail, burrow, boring, or other structure in sedimentary rock that records the presence or behavior of the organism that made it.
  • trade school — a high school giving instruction chiefly in the skilled trades.
  • tredecillion — a cardinal number represented in the U.S. by 1 followed by 42 zeros, and in Great Britain by 1 followed by 78 zeros.
  • trefoil arch — an arch with cusplike intrados.
  • trial docket — docket (def 1).
  • trial-docket — Also called trial docket. a list of cases in court for trial, or the names of the parties who have cases pending.
  • tricephalous — with three heads
  • trickle-down — of, relating to, or based on the trickle-down theory: the trickle-down benefits to the local community.
  • trimolecular — pertaining to or having three molecules.
  • triple crown — an unofficial title held by a horse that wins the Kentucky Derby, the Preakness, and the Belmont Stakes in a single season.
  • trochelminth — any invertebrate of the phylum Trochelminthes (now usually broken up into several phyla), comprising the rotifers, gastrotrichs, and several other forms.
  • tropicalised — to make tropical, as in character or appearance.
  • tropicalized — to make tropical, as in character or appearance.
  • trouser clip — a clip that is worn around the bottom of a trouser leg to stop the material getting caught in the chain of a bicycle
  • true colours — If you see someone in their true colours or if they show their true colours, you realize what they are really like.
  • tuberculosed — tuberculous
  • tuberculosis — an infectious disease that may affect almost any tissue of the body, especially the lungs, caused by the organism Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and characterized by tubercles.
  • two sicilies — Two Sicilies.
  • two-cylinder — (of an engine) having two cylinders
  • un-revocable — that may be revoked.
  • unactionable — furnishing ground for a lawsuit.
  • unapologetic — containing an apology or excuse for a fault, failure, insult, injury, etc.: An apologetic letter to his creditors explained the delay.
  • unbecomingly — detracting from one's appearance, character, or reputation; unattractive or unseemly: an unbecoming hat; unbecoming language.
  • uncalled for — not called for; not required; superfluous; unwanted.
  • uncalled-for — not called for; not required; superfluous; unwanted.
  • uncatalogued — not added to or detailed in a catalogue
  • unchronicled — not chronicled or recorded
  • uncle tomism — a policy of relationship between whites and blacks involving a benevolent but patronizing attitude on the part of the whites and a willingly submissive attitude on the part of the blacks.
  • uncoagulated — Obsolete. coagulated.
  • uncoercively — in an uncoercive manner
  • uncognizable — capable of being perceived or known.
  • uncollegiate — of or relating to a college: collegiate life.
  • uncomeliness — the quality or condition of being uncomely
  • uncommercial — not engaged in or involved with commerce or trade.
  • uncomparable — capable of being compared; having features in common with something else to permit or suggest comparison: He considered the Roman and British empires to be comparable.
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