
12-letter words containing c, e, l, o

  • stipulaceous — of, relating to, having, resembling, or living on stipules
  • stock saddle — Western saddle.
  • stockholders — Also called stockowner. a holder or owner of stock in a corporation.
  • stockingless — not wearing or having stockings
  • stone circle — a circle of standing stones erected in prehistoric times
  • stone curlew — thick-knee.
  • storage cell — a cell whose energy can be renewed by passing a current through it in the direction opposite to that of the flow of current generated by the cell.
  • storm cellar — a cellar or underground chamber for refuge during violent storms; cyclone cellar.
  • stretch limo — A stretch limo is a very long and luxurious car in which a rich, famous, or important person is driven somewhere.
  • subjectional — the act of subjecting.
  • submolecular — of or relating to or caused by molecules: molecular structure.
  • subopercular — of or relating to the suboperculum
  • suboperculum — a bone in fishes behind the operculum or gill covering
  • successional — the coming of one person or thing after another in order, sequence, or in the course of events: many troubles in succession.
  • supercilious — haughtily disdainful or contemptuous, as a person or a facial expression.
  • supercooling — to cool (a liquid) below its freezing point without producing solidification or crystallization; undercool.
  • sweet clover — melilot.
  • synecologist — a student of, or expert in, synecology
  • t lymphocyte — any of several closely related lymphocytes, developed in the thymus, that circulate in the blood and lymph and orchestrate the immune system's response to infected or malignant cells, either by lymphokine secretions or by direct contact: helper T cells recognize foreign antigen on the surfaces of other cells, then they stimulate B cells to produce antibody and signal killer T cells to destroy the antigen-displaying cells; subsequently suppressor T cells return the immune system to normal by inactivating the B cells and killer T cells.
  • t-lymphocyte — T cell.
  • tail section — the back or rear section of an aeroplane
  • take counsel — receive advice
  • talent scout — a person whose business it is to recognize and recruit persons of marked aptitude for a certain field or occupation, especially in entertainment or sports.
  • technicolour — brightly, showily, or garishly coloured; vividly noticeable
  • technobabble — incomprehensible technical language or jargon.
  • technologies — the branch of knowledge that deals with the creation and use of technical means and their interrelation with life, society, and the environment, drawing upon such subjects as industrial arts, engineering, applied science, and pure science.
  • technologist — a person who specializes in technology.
  • technologize — to make technological; to modernize or modify with technology.
  • technophilia — a person who loves or is enthusiastic about advanced technology.
  • tectonically — of or relating to building or construction; constructive; architectural.
  • telecommuter — person: works from home
  • telecomputer — teleprocessing.
  • teleological — of or relating to teleology, the philosophical doctrine that final causes, design, and purpose exist in nature.
  • telolecithal — having an accumulation of yolk near the vegetal pole, as the large-yolked eggs or ova of reptiles and birds.
  • temper color — any of the colors appearing on the surface of clean, unoxidized steel heated in air, from pale yellow at the coolest to dark blue at the hottest: used as an approximate indication of temperature.
  • tenochtitlan — the capital of the Aztec empire: founded in 1325; destroyed by the Spaniards in 1521; now the site of Mexico City.
  • teutonically — of or relating to the ancient Teutons.
  • tezcatlipoca — an Aztec god.
  • the bollocks — something excellent
  • the cold war — the period (1945-91) of cold war between the Soviet Union and its Communist allies and the U.S. and its non-Communist allies
  • the holocene — the Holocene epoch or rock series
  • the olympics — the Olympic Games
  • the pliocene — the Pliocene epoch or rock series
  • themistocles — 527?–460? b.c, Athenian statesman.
  • theoclymenus — (in the Odyssey) a seer who foretold the return of Odysseus and the death of Penelope's suitors.
  • theocratical — a form of government in which God or a deity is recognized as the supreme civil ruler, the God's or deity's laws being interpreted by the ecclesiastical authorities.
  • thermocouple — a device that consists of the junction of two dissimilar metallic conductors, as copper and iron, in which an electromotive force is induced when the conductors are maintained at different temperatures, the force being related to the temperature difference: used to determine the temperature of a third substance by connecting it to the junction of the metals and measuring the electromotive force produced.
  • thermophilic — growing best in a warm environment.
  • thessalonica — official name of Salonika.
  • three-colour — of, relating to, or comprising a colour print or a photomechanical process in which a picture is reproduced by superimposing three prints from half-tone plates in inks corresponding to the three primary colours
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