
12-letter words containing c, e, l, o

  • root climber — a plant that clings to a surface and climbs by means of adventitious roots, as the ivy, Hedera helix.
  • rose-colored — of rose color; rosy.
  • rough collie — a breed of long-haired collie with a coarse black-and-white or black, tan, and white coat, thicker around its neck and shoulders.
  • rust-colored — of the color rust.
  • sacred lotus — Indian lotus.
  • sacrilegious — pertaining to or involving sacrilege: sacrilegious practices.
  • saddle block — a type of spinal anaesthesia producing sensory loss in the buttocks, inner sides of the thighs, and perineum
  • sales office — the office or room of the department of a company responsible for selling its goods or services
  • salsolaceous — relating to the genus Salsola
  • sanctionable — authoritative permission or approval, as for an action.
  • sans-culotte — (in the French Revolution) a revolutionary of the poorer class: originally a term of contempt applied by the aristocrats but later adopted as a popular name by the revolutionaries.
  • santalaceous — of, relating to, or belonging to the Santalaceae, a family of semiparasitic plants of Australia and Malaysia including sandalwood and quandong
  • scapegallows — a criminal who escapes death by hanging or the gallows
  • scatter plot — a graphic representation of bivariate data as a set of points in the plane that have Cartesian coordinates equal to corresponding values of the two variates.
  • scent bottle — a bottle of perfume
  • schoolfellow — a schoolmate.
  • schoolmaster — a man who presides over or teaches in a school.
  • sclerodermic — of or relating to a scleroderm or to sclerodermia; hard-skinned
  • sclerophylly — the normal development of much sclerenchyma in the leaves of certain plants, as some desert plants, resulting in thickened, hardened foliage that resists loss of moisture.
  • scolopaceous — (of birds or other animals) like a snipe, a shore bird with a straight beak
  • scolopendrid — any myriapod of the order Scolopendrida, including many large, poisonous centipedes.
  • scopes trialJohn Thomas, 1901–70, U.S. high-school teacher whose teaching of the Darwinian theory of evolution became a cause célèbre (Scopes Trial or Monkey Trial) in 1925.
  • scots gaelic — Scottish Gaelic
  • scott-closed — A set S, a subset of D, is Scott-closed if (1) If Y is a subset of S and Y is directed then lub Y is in S and (2) If y <= s in S then y is in S. I.e. a Scott-closed set contains the lubs of its directed subsets and anything less than any element. (2) says that S is downward closed (or left closed). ("<=" is written in LaTeX as \sqsubseteq).
  • scout leader — the leader of a troop of Scouts
  • scrobiculate — furrowed or pitted.
  • scutellation — a scutellate state or formation; a scaly covering, as on a bird's foot.
  • seclusionist — a person who prefers to be alone or secluded
  • secobarbital — a white, odorless, slightly bitter powder, C 1 2 H 1 8 N 2 O 3 , used as a sedative and hypnotic.
  • second floor — the floor or story above the ground floor.
  • second world — the world's industrialized nations other than the U.S. and the U.S.S.R.
  • second-class — of a secondary class or quality.
  • sectionalism — excessive regard for sectional or local interests; regional or local spirit, prejudice, etc.
  • sectionalize — to render sectional.
  • selectionist — a person who believes in natural selection
  • self-closing — the end or conclusion, as of a speech.
  • self-colored — of one color.
  • self-command — self-control.
  • self-conceit — an excessively favorable opinion of oneself, one's abilities, etc.; vanity.
  • self-concept — the idea or mental image one has of oneself and one's strengths, weaknesses, status, etc.; self-image.
  • self-concern — to relate to; be connected with; be of interest or importance to; affect: The water shortage concerns us all.
  • self-content — satisfaction with oneself; self-complacency.
  • self-control — control or restraint of oneself or one's actions, feelings, etc.
  • self-cooking — the act of a person or thing that cooks.
  • self-focused — a central point, as of attraction, attention, or activity: The need to prevent a nuclear war became the focus of all diplomatic efforts.
  • self-locking — a device for securing a door, gate, lid, drawer, or the like in position when closed, consisting of a bolt or system of bolts propelled and withdrawn by a mechanism operated by a key, dial, etc.
  • self-mockery — gentle humour at one's own expense
  • self-mocking — to attack or treat with ridicule, contempt, or derision.
  • semicolonial — partly colonial
  • semiofficial — having some degree of official authority.
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