
13-letter words containing a, r, m, s, e

  • steamer trunk — a rectangular traveling trunk low enough to slide under a bunk on a ship.
  • sterculia gum — karaya gum.
  • stone bramble — a herbaceous Eurasian rosaceous plant, Rubus saxatilis, of stony places, having white flowers and berry-like scarlet fruits (drupelets)
  • store manager — sb who runs a shop
  • straight time — the time or number of hours established as standard for a specific work period in a particular industry, usually computed on the basis of a workweek and fixed variously from 35 to 40 hours.
  • stratum title — a system of registered ownership of space in multistorey buildings, to be equivalent to the ownership of the land of a single-storey building
  • street market — outdoor stalls
  • street smarts — You can use street smarts to refer to the skills and intelligence people need to be successful in difficult situations, especially in a city.
  • stretch marks — Stretch marks are lines or marks on someone's skin caused by the skin stretching after the person's weight has changed rapidly. Women who have had children often have stretch marks.
  • striped maple — a maple, Acer pensylvanicum, of northeastern North America, having white-striped bark.
  • stuffed derma — kishke.
  • subdepartment — a distinct part of anything arranged in divisions; a division of a complex whole or organized system.
  • submarine pen — a bunker that prevents submarines from bombs
  • subprime loan — A subprime loan is a loan with a higher interest rate, to borrowers who are a high credit risk.
  • sulfamerazine — a sulfa drug, C11H12N4O2S, a methyl derivative of sulfadiazine that is more rapidly absorbed
  • summer savory — See under savory2 .
  • summer squash — any of several squashes of the variety Cucurbita pepo melopepo, that mature in the late summer or early autumn and are used as a vegetable in an unripe state, before the rind and seeds become hard.
  • supercolumnar — existing above a column or columns: a supercolumnar feature.
  • supercriminal — an extremely bad, powerful or successful criminal, a criminal working on a large scale or committing extreme crimes
  • superdiplomat — a highly skilled or powerful diplomat, a high-ranking diplomat
  • superdominant — submediant.
  • superhumanize — to make superhuman, or represent as such
  • supermajority — a majority that must represent some percentage more than a simple majority.
  • supermarketer — a person who owns or operates a supermarket.
  • supermembrane — a type of two-dimensional entity postulated in certain theories of elementary particles that involve supersymmetry
  • supermilitant — highly militant
  • supernumerary — being in excess of the usual, proper, or prescribed number; additional; extra.
  • superorganism — a form of life composed of mutually interdependent parts that maintain various vital processes.
  • superromantic — exceptionally romantic
  • supersalesman — an extremely skillful and effective salesperson.
  • supplementary — Also, supplemental. of the nature of or forming a supplement; additional.
  • supramolecule — a collection of molecules held together by intermolecular forces
  • supratemporal — situated above the upper part of the temporal bone or region.
  • surge chamber — a chamber for absorbing surge from a liquid or gas.
  • swamp cypress — bald cypress.
  • swimmer's ear — an inflammation of the outer ear occurring in persons who swim for long periods or fail to dry the ears.
  • symmetrically — characterized by or exhibiting symmetry; well-proportioned, as a body or whole; regular in form or arrangement of corresponding parts.
  • syringomyelia — a disease of the spinal cord in which the nerve tissue is replaced by a cavity filled with fluid.
  • table manners — etiquette when eating
  • take by storm — be a sudden success
  • take measures — act, do sth practical
  • tape streamer — A tape streamer is a piece of computer equipment that you use for copying data from a hard disk onto magnetic tape for security or storage.
  • tapestry moth — carpet moth.
  • task-mistress — a woman whose function it is to assign tasks, especially burdensome ones, to others.
  • temerariously — in an audacious manner
  • temporariness — lasting, existing, serving, or effective for a time only; not permanent: a temporary need; a temporary job.
  • terminal post — A terminal post is the terminal on a battery to which the battery lead is attached.
  • tetradynamous — having four long and two short stamens, as a cruciferous flower.
  • the smart set — The smart set is a group of fashionable and wealthy people.
  • theanthropism — the doctrine of the union of the divine and human natures, especially the manifestation of God as man in Christ.
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