
13-letter words containing a, r, m, s, e

  • samuel slaterSamuel, 1768–1835, U.S. industrialist, born in England.
  • sauce supreme — suprême (def 1).
  • scalpelliform — having the shape of a scalpel blade
  • scandalmonger — a person who spreads scandal or gossip.
  • scarlet woman — a sexually promiscuous woman, especially a prostitute or a woman who commits adultery.
  • scatterometer — a radar sensor for measuring the backscatter of light from the ocean's surface
  • schwärmerisch — excessively or extremely enthusiastic
  • scleromalacia — a thinning of the sclera (the eyeball's outer covering) which can occur as a result of rheumatoid arthritis
  • scrambled egg — eggs stirred while cooking
  • screaming tty — [Unix] A terminal line which spews an infinite number of random characters at the operating system. This can happen if the terminal is either disconnected or connected to a powered-off terminal but still enabled for login; misconfiguration, misimplementation, or simple bad luck can start such a terminal screaming. A screaming tty or two can seriously degrade the performance of a vanilla Unix system; the arriving "characters" are treated as userid/password pairs and tested as such. The Unix password encryption algorithm is designed to be computationally intensive in order to foil brute-force crack attacks, so although none of the logins succeeds; the overhead of rejecting them all can be substantial.
  • scullery maid — a maid whose duties include washing up and vegetable preparation
  • seafaring man — a sailor
  • seed merchant — someone that collects, packages and sells seeds
  • seismic array — a system of linked seismographs arranged in a regular geometric pattern to increase sensitivity to earthquake detection
  • self-enamored — to fill or inflame with love (usually used in the passive and followed by of or sometimes with): to be enamored of a certain lady; a brilliant woman with whom he became enamored.
  • self-pampered — to treat or gratify with extreme or excessive indulgence, kindness, or care: to pamper a child; to pamper one's stomach.
  • semi-abstract — pertaining to or designating a style of painting or sculpture in which the subject remains recognizable although the forms are highly stylized in a manner derived from abstract art.
  • semi-circular — Something that is semi-circular has the shape of half a circle.
  • semi-darkness — partial darkness
  • semi-parasite — Biology. commonly parasitic but also capable of living on dead or decaying animal matter.
  • semi-tropical — Semi-tropical places have warm, wet air.
  • semicarbazide — an organic nitrogen compound derived from urea
  • semicarbazone — a product that occurs as a result of aldehyde or ketone reacting with semicarbazide
  • semiempirical — partly empirical
  • semilegendary — having some historical basis, but legendary in part
  • semimenstrual — (esp of tides) occurring twice monthly
  • seminole wars — a series of conflicts in 1818–19 between American forces under Andrew Jackson and the Seminole Indians in Spanish-controlled eastern Florida.
  • semioviparous — bearing young in an incomplete state of development, as a marsupial.
  • semiparasitic — Biology. commonly parasitic but also capable of living on dead or decaying animal matter.
  • semipermanent — not quite permanent.
  • semipermeable — permeable only to certain small molecules: a semipermeable membrane.
  • semiporcelain — any of several vitrified ceramic wares lacking the translucency or hardness of true porcelain but otherwise similar to it.
  • semisedentary — partially or somewhat sedentary
  • semiwater gas — a mixed gas formed by passing steam and air over a carbon source
  • senior airman — a noncommissioned officer ranking between a staff sergeant and airman first class. Abbreviation: SrA.
  • senior master — a male teacher in a senior position
  • septempartite — separated into seven sections.
  • serial number — a number, usually one of a series, assigned for identification: the serial number of an automobile engine.
  • serum albumin — Biochemistry. the principal protein of blood plasma, important in osmotic regulation of the blood and transport of metabolites.
  • serum disease — a generalized allergic reaction to a foreign serum or drug, characterized by fever, skin rash, enlarged lymph nodes, and painful joints.
  • sex chromatin — Barr body.
  • share premium — the excess of the amount actually subscribed for an issue of corporate capital over its par value
  • shaving cream — a preparation, as of soap and free fatty acid, that is lathered and applied to the face to soften and condition the beard for shaving.
  • shear modulus — The shear modulus of a material is how stiff or rigid it is. It is equal to the shear stress divided by the shear strain.
  • sheep farming — agriculture: sheep raising
  • shell program — A shell program is a basic computer program that provides a framework within which the user can develop the program to suit their own needs.
  • shockumentary — a television programme showing members of the public in shocking or violent situations
  • shoulder arms — to bring the rifle vertically close to the right side with the muzzle uppermost and held at the trigger guard
  • shrove monday — the Monday before Ash Wednesday.
  • sidereal time — time measured by the diurnal motion of stars. A sidereal day is about four minutes shorter than a solar day, with hours, minutes, and seconds all proportionally shorter.
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