
13-letter words containing a, r, m, s, e

  • peripheralism — the explanation of psychological events emphasizing peripheral human functions, as those of skeletal muscles or the sex organs, rather than cognition or other processes of the central nervous system.
  • permanent set — the change in shape of a material that results when the load to which it is subjected causes the elastic limit to be exceeded and is then removed
  • persian melon — a round variety of muskmelon having a green, reticulate, unribbed rind and orange flesh.
  • phalansterism — a model of society in which members of a community live in the same space and share common belongings
  • pharmaceutics — a pharmaceutical preparation or product.
  • phase diagram — a graph, usually using temperature, pressure, and composition as coordinates, indicating the regions of stability of the various phases of a system.
  • phrase marker — (in generative grammar) a representation of the constituent structure of a sentence, using a tree diagram or labeled bracketing.
  • piers plowman — (The Vision Concerning Piers Plowman) an alliterative poem written in three versions (1360–99), ascribed to William Langland.
  • pilaster mass — an engaged pier, usually plain, used as a buttress.
  • place of arms — an area in a fortress or a fortified town where troops could assemble for defense.
  • plasma screen — A plasma screen is a type of thin television screen or computer screen that produces high-quality images.
  • platform shoe — a shoe with a platform.
  • pleasure dome — a large building, facility, or place used for recreation.
  • plethysmogram — the recording of a plethysmograph.
  • pneumogastric — of or relating to the lungs and stomach.
  • portal system — a vascular arrangement in which blood from the capillaries of one organ is transported to the capillaries of another organ by a connecting vein or veins.
  • post-marriage — (broadly) any of the diverse forms of interpersonal union established in various parts of the world to form a familial bond that is recognized legally, religiously, or socially, granting the participating partners mutual conjugal rights and responsibilities and including, for example, opposite-sex marriage, same-sex marriage, plural marriage, and arranged marriage: Anthropologists say that some type of marriage has been found in every known human society since ancient times. See Word Story at the current entry.
  • postage meter — an office machine used in bulk mailing that imprints prepaid postage and a dated postmark.
  • postmenstrual — of or relating to menstruation or to the menses.
  • posttreatment — an act or manner of treating.
  • potato-masher — a kitchen implement used to crush or mash potatoes
  • praetorianism — the control of a society by force or fraud, especially when exercised through titular officials and by a powerful minority.
  • pre christmas — the annual festival of the Christian church commemorating the birth of Jesus: celebrated on December 25 and now generally observed as a legal holiday and an occasion for exchanging gifts.
  • pre-christmas — the annual festival of the Christian church commemorating the birth of Jesus: celebrated on December 25 and now generally observed as a legal holiday and an occasion for exchanging gifts.
  • pre-eclampsia — Pathology. a form of toxemia of pregnancy, characterized by hypertension, fluid retention, and albuminuria, sometimes progressing to eclampsia.
  • prebasic molt — the molt by which most birds replace all of their feathers, usually occurring annually after the breeding season.
  • preliminaries — preceding and leading up to the main part, matter, or business; introductory; preparatory: preliminary examinations.
  • premenopausal — of, relating to, or characteristic of menopause.
  • primal scream — a scream uttered by a person undergoing primal therapy.
  • primary tense — in Latin, Greek, and Sanskrit, a tense referring to present or future time
  • primrose path — a way of life devoted to irresponsible hedonism, often of a sensual nature: The evangelist exhorted us to avoid the primrose path and stick to the straight and narrow.
  • prison inmate — a person who is confined in a prison
  • privateersman — an officer or sailor of a privateer.
  • problem state — IBM jargon for user mode, the opposite of "supervisor state". On IBM System 360, 370 and 390 mainframes privileged instructions may only be executed in "supervisor state". Application programs request the operating system to perform these operations by using the Supervisor Call (SVC) instruction.
  • promised land — Heaven.
  • prostatectomy — excision of part or all of the prostate gland.
  • protest march — public demonstration
  • protestantism — the religion of Protestants.
  • proverbialism — a proverbial expression
  • prudentialism — a regard for prudential, rather than moral, considerations
  • quadragesimal — of, relating to, or suitable for Lent; Lenten.
  • quarrelsomely — In a quarrelsome manner.
  • quartermaster — Military. an officer charged with providing quarters, clothing, fuel, transportation, etc., for a body of troops.
  • question mark — Also called interrogation point, interrogation mark. a mark indicating a question: usually, as in English, the mark (?) placed after a question.
  • rambling rose — any of various cultivated hybrid roses that straggle over other vegetation
  • random access — designating or of a volatile memory that allows data to be accessed directly and does not require following a sequence of storage locations
  • random sample — a statistical sample that is devised to avoid interference so that its distribution is affected only by, and so can be held to represent, that of the whole population
  • random-access — direct-access.
  • raspberry jam — jam made using raspberries
  • raw materials — Raw materials are materials that are in their natural state, before they are processed or used in manufacturing.
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