
13-letter words containing a, n, i

  • post-prandial — after a meal, especially after dinner: postprandial oratory; a postprandial brandy.
  • postcanonical — written at a later date than the books belonging to a canon, especially the Bible.
  • postconciliar — occurring or continuing after the Vatican ecumenical council of 1962–65.
  • postcranially — affecting the postcranium
  • posterization — a process for producing a posterlike, high-contrast color reproduction from continuous-tone art by using separation negatives of various densities.
  • postinaugural — of or relating to the period after an inauguration
  • postisolation — following a period of isolation
  • postlapsarian — occurring or being after the Fall.
  • postulational — to ask, demand, or claim.
  • potato famine — a severe shortage of food caused by the failure of the potato crop
  • potty trained — Potty trained means the same as toilet trained.
  • pouring-basin — (in a vacuum induction furnace) a trough through which molten metal flows under vacuum to a mold chamber.
  • power loading — the act of a person or thing that loads.
  • power station — a generating station.
  • power walking — a form of exercise that involves rapid walking with arms bent and swinging naturally.
  • power-sharing — Power-sharing is a political arrangement in which different or opposing groups all take part in government together.
  • practicalness — of or relating to practice or action: practical mathematics.
  • praetorianism — the control of a society by force or fraud, especially when exercised through titular officials and by a powerful minority.
  • prague spring — a brief period of democratization in Czechoslovakia in 1968, under Alexander Dubček.
  • pre-christian — of, relating to, or belonging to a time or period before the Christian Era.
  • pre-cognizant — having cognizance; aware (usually followed by of): He was cognizant of the difficulty.
  • pre-columbian — of or relating to the Americas before the arrival of Columbus: pre-Columbian art; pre-Columbian Indians.
  • pre-education — the act or process of imparting or acquiring general knowledge, developing the powers of reasoning and judgment, and generally of preparing oneself or others intellectually for mature life.
  • pre-migration — the process or act of migrating.
  • pre-organized — to form as or into a whole consisting of interdependent or coordinated parts, especially for united action: to organize a committee.
  • preadaptation — a structure or property that developed in an ancestral stock and was useful in a descendant in a changed environment.
  • preadmonition — a forewarning, premonition; the act of admonishing in advance
  • preanesthetic — a substance that produces a preliminary or light anesthesia.
  • preantiseptic — (especially of surgery) noting that period of time before the adoption of the principles of antisepsis (about 1867).
  • precautionary — of, relating to, or characterized by precaution: precautionary measures.
  • precipitating — to hasten the occurrence of; bring about prematurely, hastily, or suddenly: to precipitate an international crisis.
  • precipitation — the act of precipitating; state of being precipitated.
  • predesignated — to designate beforehand.
  • predestinated — Theology. to foreordain by divine decree or purpose.
  • predestinator — a person or thing that predestinates something.
  • prediagnostic — of, relating to, or used in diagnosis.
  • predicamental — of or relating to a predicament or situation
  • predominantly — having ascendancy, power, authority, or influence over others; preeminent.
  • predominately — to be the stronger or leading element or force.
  • predominating — to be the stronger or leading element or force.
  • preexcitation — the act of exciting.
  • prefiguration — the act of prefiguring.
  • prefix syntax — prefix notation
  • prefunctional — of or relating to a function or functions: functional difficulties in the administration.
  • preganglionic — of, relating to, or consisting of ganglia.
  • preindustrial — of, pertaining to, of the nature of, or resulting from industry: industrial production; industrial waste.
  • prejudication — the act of judging beforehand
  • preliminaries — preceding and leading up to the main part, matter, or business; introductory; preparatory: preliminary examinations.
  • preliminarily — preceding and leading up to the main part, matter, or business; introductory; preparatory: preliminary examinations.
  • prelitigation — the act or process of litigating: a matter that is still in litigation.
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