
13-letter words containing a, n, i

  • pigheadedness — stupidly obstinate; stubborn: pigheaded resistance.
  • pigouvian tax — a tax levied to counter an economic negative externality, for example taxing producers of industrial pollution in order to encourage pollution control
  • pilot balloon — a balloon for the visual observation of upper-atmosphere wind currents.
  • pilot station — Also called pilotage. an onshore office or headquarters for pilots.
  • pilsner-glass — a pale, light lager beer.
  • pinar del rio — a city in W Cuba.
  • pine grosbeak — a large grosbeak, Pinicola enucleator, of coniferous forests of northern North America and Eurasia, the male of which has rose and gray plumage.
  • pinellas park — a city in W central Florida.
  • piper gurnard — a marine fish, Trigla lyra, of the family Triglidae
  • pitcher plant — any of various insectivorous New World bog plants of the genera Sarracenia, Darlingtonia, and Heliamphora, having tubular or trumpet-shaped leaves containing a liquid in which insects are trapped.
  • place setting — the group of dishes, silverware, glasses, etc., set at the place of each person at a meal.
  • place-setting — the group of dishes, silverware, glasses, etc., set at the place of each person at a meal.
  • placentia bay — a bay of the Atlantic Ocean on the SE coast of Newfoundland, Canada, W of the Avalon Peninsula. About 100 miles (160 km) long and 80 miles (129 km) wide.
  • placer mining — mining of placer deposits by washing, dredging, or other hydraulic methods
  • plague-ridden — afflicted by the plague or a plague
  • plain bearing — any of various bearings, not containing rolling elements, that present to the shaft or axle they support broad areas of corresponding form, usually segments of a cylinder.
  • plain dealing — direct and honest conduct in one's relations and transactions with others.
  • plain sailing — Navigation. sailing on waters that are free of hazards or obstructions. Compare plane sailing.
  • plain vanilla — having no embellishments, extra equipment, elaborate packaging, etc.; plain; simple; down-to-earth: I want a plain-vanilla car without a lot of chrome trim.
  • plain yoghurt — natural yoghurt, without added flavouring
  • plain-clothes — Plain-clothes police officers wear ordinary clothes instead of a police uniform.
  • plain-vanilla — having no embellishments, extra equipment, elaborate packaging, etc.; plain; simple; down-to-earth: I want a plain-vanilla car without a lot of chrome trim.
  • plains indian — a member of any of the North American Indian peoples formerly living in the Great Plains of the US and Canada
  • plane sailing — sailing on a course plotted without reference to the curvature of the earth.
  • planetologist — the branch of astronomy that deals with the physical features of the planets.
  • plant kingdom — the plants of the world collectively.
  • plantain lily — any Japanese or Chinese plant of the genus Hosta, of the lily family, having large leaves and spikes or one-sided clusters of white, lilac, or blue flowers.
  • plasma engine — an engine that generates thrust by reaction to the emission of a jet of plasma
  • plastic money — credit cards, used instead of cash
  • plastoquinone — a quinone that occurs in the chloroplasts of plants and functions as an electron carrier during photosynthesis.
  • platinic acid — a white, crystalline, water-insoluble powder, H 2 PtO 3 , used chiefly in platinization.
  • platiniferous — platinum-bearing
  • platiniridium — a natural alloy composed chiefly of platinum and iridium.
  • platinocyanic — of or derived from platinocyanic acid.
  • platinum disc — (in Britain) an album certified to have sold 300 000 copies or a single certified to have sold 600 000 copies
  • platitudinize — to utter platitudes.
  • platitudinous — characterized by or given to platitudes.
  • platonic love — Platonism. love of the Idea of beauty, seen as terminating an evolution from the desire for an individual and the love of physical beauty to the love and contemplation of spiritual or ideal beauty.
  • platonic year — a period of about 26,000 years, equal to the time required for a complete revolution of the equinoxes.
  • platyhelminth — any worm of the phylum Platyhelminthes; a flatworm.
  • playing cards — cards used in playing various games, arranged in decks of four suits (spades, hearts, diamonds, and clubs): a standard deck has 52 cards
  • playing field — an expanse of level ground, as in a park or stadium, where athletic events are held.
  • playing games — If you say that someone is playing games or playing silly games, you mean that they are not treating a situation seriously and you are annoyed with them.
  • playing trick — a card in a hand considered as likely to take a trick, assuming that the player who holds the hand or that player's partner is the declarer.
  • playwrighting — the writing of plays
  • pleasant hill — a city in W California, near San Francisco Bay.
  • pleasantville — a city in SE New Jersey.
  • plebification — the act of making popular or vulgar
  • plesiosaurian — a member of the reptile order Plesiosauria
  • plural voting — right to vote more than once
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