
13-letter words containing a, n, i

  • quantivalence — quantitative equivalence
  • quarantinable — Subject to quarantine; under quarantine.
  • quarter grain — the grain appearing in quartersawed wood.
  • quarter point — the fourth part of the distance between any two adjacent points of the 32 marked on a compass, being 2° 48′ 45″.
  • quarter-final — A quarter-final is one of the four matches in a competition which decides which four players or teams will compete in the semi-final.
  • quarterfinals — Plural form of quarterfinal.
  • quartodeciman — one of a group of early Christians who observed Easter on the day of the Jewish Passover regardless of whether or not it was Sunday
  • quaternionist — a mathematician who works with quaternions
  • queer-bashing — the activity of making vicious and unprovoked verbal or physical assaults upon homosexuals or supposed homosexuals
  • question mark — Also called interrogation point, interrogation mark. a mark indicating a question: usually, as in English, the mark (?) placed after a question.
  • questionaries — Plural form of questionary.
  • questionnaire — a list of questions, usually printed, submitted for replies that can be analyzed for usable information: a questionnaire used in market research.
  • quincentenary — a 500th anniversary or its celebration.
  • quincuncially — In a quincuncial fashion.
  • quindecagonal — (geometry) Shaped like a quindecagon; fifteen-sided.
  • quindecennial — of or relating to a period of 15 years or the 15th occurrence of a series, as an anniversary.
  • quindicessima — (music) Two octaves higher. Marking indicates a passage to be transposed up two octaves. Abbreviation: 15ma.
  • quinine water — carbonated water containing lemon, lime, sweetener, and quinine, often used as a mixer.
  • quinquagenary — a 50th anniversary.
  • quinquagesima — the Sunday before Lent; Shrove Sunday.
  • quinquevalent — pentavalent.
  • quintuplicate — a group, series, or set of five copies or identical items, especially copies of typewritten matter.
  • quota-hopping — (in the EU) the practice of obtaining the right to catch a part of a country's national quota for fish in European waters by buying licences from its fishermen
  • rabbit warren — warren.
  • rabblerousing — Of or pertaining to a rabble-rouser.
  • racialisation — Non-Oxford British standard spelling of racialization.
  • racialization — to impose a racial interpretation on; place in a racial context.
  • racing driver — someone who drives a racing car in motor car races
  • racing pigeon — a pigeon bred and trained for the sport of pigeon racing
  • radhakrishnan — Sir Sarvepalli [suhr-vuh-puhl-ee] /ˌsʌr vəˈpʌl i/ (Show IPA), 1888–1975, president of India 1962–67.
  • radial engine — an internal-combustion engine having the cylinders arranged in radial opposition, found mainly on older aircraft.
  • radial motion — the component of the motion of a star away from or toward the earth along its line of sight, expressed in miles or kilometers per second and determined by the shift in the wavelength of light emitted by the star.
  • radialization — the act of forming or arranging in a radial pattern
  • radiation fog — fog produced by the nocturnal cooling of the surface boundary layer to a temperature at which its content of water vapor condenses.
  • radiationless — not emitting or producing radiation
  • radio contact — communication or contact by means of radio waves
  • radio control — remote control by means of radio signals from a transmitter
  • radio horizon — the locus of points on the earth's surface where rays from a transmitting antenna are tangent to the surface. The radio horizon for a fixed antenna varies with refraction by the atmosphere of radio waves.
  • radio silence — the absence, usually deliberately maintained, of radio transmissions
  • radio station — station (def 8).
  • radioactinium — the radioactive isotope of thorium having a mass number 227 and a half-life of 18.8 days. Symbol: RdAc, Th 227.
  • radiolocation — the method or process of determining the position and velocity of an object by radar.
  • rahimyar khan — a city in E Pakistan.
  • raiding party — a group of people who together carry out a raid
  • railroad line — railway route
  • rain or shine — regardless of the weather or circumstances; in any event: The concert will be held, rain or shine. He's always a reliable friend, rain or shine.
  • rainbow snake — a burrowing snake, Farancia erytrogramma, of the southeastern U.S., having red and black stripes along the body, a red and yellow underside, and a sharp-tipped tail used in maneuvering prey.
  • rainbow trout — a trout, Salmo gairdnerii, native in the coastal waters and streams from Baja California to Alaska, used as a food and game fish.
  • raising agent — in baking, a substance added to dough to make it rise
  • raising plate — wall plate (def 1).
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