
13-letter words containing a, n, i

  • nonimmigrants — Plural form of nonimmigrant.
  • nonincidental — happening or likely to happen in an unplanned or subordinate conjunction with something else.
  • nonincreasing — not increasing.
  • nonindividual — an entity that is not an individual
  • nonindustrial — of, pertaining to, of the nature of, or resulting from industry: industrial production; industrial waste.
  • noninstalment — (of a loan) not payable in instalments
  • noninsulation — Absence of insulation; failure to insulate.
  • nonintegrated — not integrated, lacking integration
  • nonintoxicant — a substance that is not an intoxicant
  • noninvasively — In a noninvasive manner.
  • nonirradiated — not irradiated, not having undergone irradiation
  • nonirritating — Not irritating; not an irritant.
  • nonliturgical — Not liturgical.
  • nonmainstream — denoting someone or something not in the main current (of style, culture, etc)
  • nonmanagerial — pertaining to management or a manager: managerial functions; the managerial class of society.
  • nonmeaningful — Not meaningful.
  • nonmechanical — having to do with machinery: a mechanical failure.
  • nonmechanized — Unmechanized.
  • nonmonetarist — a person who does not believe in the theory of monetarism
  • nonmyelinated — (of nerve fibres) lacking a myelin sheath
  • nonnegotiable — capable of being negotiated: a negotiable salary demand.
  • nonobligatory — Not obligatory; not required; optional.
  • nonparametric — (of a test or method) not requiring assertions about parameters or about the form of the underlying distribution.
  • nonpassionate — Not passionate.
  • nonpathogenic — Pathology. capable of producing disease: pathogenic bacteria.
  • nonpejorative — Not pejorative.
  • nonperiodical — a magazine or other journal that is issued at regularly recurring intervals.
  • nonperishable — not subject to rapid deterioration or decay: A supply of nonperishable food was kept for emergencies.
  • nonpolitician — One who is not a politician.
  • nonpracticing — not currently practicing one's profession, religion, etc.: a nonpracticing physician.
  • nonpractising — of or relating to a person who no longer observes or pursues his or her religious faith
  • nonprofitable — Not profitable; not making profit.
  • nonprovincial — Not restricted to a small region; not done in isolation.
  • nonpunishable — Not punishable; of an act, for which no punishment has been authorized; of a person, beyond the reach of punishment.
  • nonreciprocal — given or felt by each toward the other; mutual: reciprocal respect.
  • nonrefillable — Not refillable; unable to be refilled.
  • nonregulation — not regulation, not conforming to accepted standards
  • nonrelational — Not relational.
  • nonresistance — the policy or practice of not resisting violence or established authority, even when tyrannical, by force.
  • nonretractile — capable of being drawn back or in, as the head of a tortoise; exhibiting the power of retraction.
  • nonsensically — (of words or language) having little or no meaning; making little or no sense: A baby's babbling is appealingly nonsensical.
  • nonsensuality — The state or condition of being nonsensual.
  • nonsequential — characterized by regular sequence of parts.
  • nonshrinkable — incapable of being shrunk
  • nonspecialist — a person who devotes himself or herself to one subject or to one particular branch of a subject or pursuit.
  • nonstationary — Not stationary.
  • nonsustaining — Not sustaining; having an end.
  • nonsystematic — Not systematic.
  • nontangential — pertaining to or of the nature of a tangent; being or moving in the direction of a tangent.
  • nontheatrical — not relating to the theatre
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