
13-letter words containing a, n, i

  • opinionatedly — In an opinionated manner.
  • opisthobranch — any gastropod mollusk of the order Opisthobranchia, as the sea slugs, sea butterflies, and sea hares, characterized by a vestigial or absent mantle and shell and two pairs of tentacles.
  • oppignoration — the act or an instance of pawning or pledging
  • oppositionary — the action of opposing, resisting, or combating.
  • oprahfication — the perceived increase in people’s desire to discuss their emotions or personal problems, attributed to the influence of confessional television programmes
  • optical bench — an apparatus, as a special table or rigid beam, for the precise positioning of light sources, screens, and optical instruments used for optical and photometric studies, having a ruled bar to which these devices can be attached and along which they can be readily adjusted.
  • optical crown — an optical glass of low dispersion and relatively low refractive index. It is used in the construction of lenses
  • optical flint — an optical glass of high dispersion and high refractive index containing lead oxide. They are used in the manufacture of lenses, artificial gems, and cut glass
  • optical sound — sound recorded on and subsequently played back from an optical or photographic soundtrack, as opposed to a magnetic soundtrack.
  • optimizations — Plural form of optimization.
  • ora pro nobis — a Latin invocation meaning pray for us
  • oral examiner — someone who administers oral exams
  • oral solution — An oral solution is a medicine in liquid form for drinking.
  • orbital index — the ratio of the maximum breadth to the maximum height of the orbital cavity multiplied by 100.
  • orbitofrontal — Located in the frontal lobes above the orbits of the eyes.
  • orchestrating — Present participle of orchestrate.
  • orchestration — (uncountable) the arrangement of music for performance by an orchestra.
  • orchidomaniac — a person who is obsessed with or has a passion for orchids
  • order a drink — When a customer orders a drink, they ask for it to be brought to them.
  • ordinal scale — a scale on which data is shown simply in order of magnitude since there is no standard of measurement of differences: for instance, a squash ladder is an ordinal scale since one can say only that one person is better than another, but not by how much
  • ordinary gain — An ordinary gain is a gain in the course of normal business.
  • ordinary loss — An ordinary loss is a loss in the course of normal business.
  • ordinary wave — Radio. (of the two waves into which a radio wave is divided in the ionosphere under the influence of the earth's magnetic field) the wave with characteristics more nearly resembling those that the undivided wave would have exhibited in the absence of the magnetic field.
  • organ grinder — an itinerant street musician who earns a living by playing a hand organ or hurdy-gurdy.
  • organ whistle — a steam or air whistle in which the jet is forced up against the thin edge of a pipe closed at the top.
  • organ-builder — a maker of organs
  • organ-grinder — an itinerant street musician who earns a living by playing a hand organ or hurdy-gurdy.
  • organisations — Plural form of organisation.
  • organizations — The action of organizing something.
  • organoarsenic — (organic chemistry) Describing any organic compound containing a carbon to arsenic bond.
  • organogenesis — Biology. the origin and development of an organ.
  • organogenetic — Relating to organogenesis.
  • organolithium — (organic chemistry) Describing any organic compound containing a carbon to lithium bond.
  • organosilicon — pertaining to or noting an organic compound containing silicon, especially where attached directly to a carbon atom.
  • organotropism — Physiology. the attraction of microorganisms or chemical substances to particular organs or tissues of the body.
  • orientalizing — Present participle of orientalize.
  • orientational — Of or pertaining to orientation.
  • originalities — Plural form of originality.
  • originatively — in an originative manner
  • ornamentalism — the desire or tendency to feature ornament in the design of buildings, interiors, furnishings, etc.
  • ornamentalist — A person who ornaments.
  • ornamentality — used or grown for ornament: ornamental plants.
  • ornamentation — the act of ornamenting.
  • ornithischian — any herbivorous dinosaur of the order Ornithischia, having a pelvis resembling that of a bird. Compare saurischian.
  • ornithomantic — relating to ornithomancy
  • ornithophobia — Fear of birds.
  • orthodiagonal — the axis in a crystal
  • orthogonalise — to make (vectors, functions, etc.) orthogonal.
  • orthogonality — (mathematics, statistics) the property of being orthogonal.
  • orthogonalize — to make (vectors, functions, etc.) orthogonal.
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