
13-letter words containing a, n, i

  • nitrogen base — Chemistry, Biochemistry. a nitrogen-containing organic compound that has the chemical properties of a base, especially a pyrimidine or purine: Four nitrogen bases are present in a DNA molecule.
  • nitrogenation — to combine with nitrogen or add nitrogenous material to.
  • nitrolic acid — any of several weak acids formed when nitrous acid reacts with a nitroparaffin
  • nitromannitol — mannitol hexanitrate.
  • nitroparaffin — any of a class of compounds derived from the methane series in which a hydrogen atom is replaced by a nitro group.
  • nits-and-lice — a yellow-flowered plant, Hypericum drummondii, of the central U.S.
  • nizam al-mulk — title of Abu Ali Hasan Ibn Ali. ?1018–92, Persian statesman; vizier of Persia (1063–92) for the Seljuk sultans: assassinated
  • nizhniy tagil — city in W Russia, in the EC Urals: pop. 429,000
  • no-knock raid — a search warrant that allows police officers to enter a property without knocking
  • noctivagation — the act of wandering in the night
  • nodding lilac — a showy Chinese lilac, Syringa reflexa, of the olive family, having nodding clusters of pinkish flowers.
  • nodical month — Also called calendar month. any of the twelve parts, as January or February, into which the calendar year is divided.
  • noise masking — the use of noise to cancel out another sound, as with a white noise machine.
  • noise shaping — (communications)   Spectral noise transformation in a quantisation processes. Noise is "colourised" in the time domain an/or frequency domain by adding parts of the previous sample. The SNR bandwidth and SNR time integral stay the same, so some noise decreases, some increases, but overall noise always increases. An example of noise shaping in the frequency domain is quantisation of samples on a Compact Disc to reduce noise below -98 dB. The are different algorithms with slightly different filters, e.g. Super Bitmapping, 4D Recording. A time domain example is MPEG-4 AAC TNS, which is a method to enhance quality by temporal forming of the noise in a transform block.
  • nominal group — A nominal group is the same as a noun group.
  • nominal scale — a discrete classification of data, in which data are neither measured nor ordered but subjects are merely allocated to distinct categories: for example, a record of students' course choices constitutes nominal data which could be correlated with school results
  • nominal value — book or par value, as of securities; face value.
  • nominal wages — minimum pay
  • non political — of, relating to, or concerned with politics: political writers.
  • non-abolition — the act of abolishing: the abolition of war.
  • non-accession — the act of coming into the possession of a right, title, office, etc.: accession to the throne.
  • non-accretive — an increase by natural growth or by gradual external addition; growth in size or extent.
  • non-aesthetic — relating to the philosophy of aesthetics; concerned with notions such as the beautiful and the ugly.
  • non-alcoholic — A non-alcoholic drink does not contain alcohol.
  • non-alignment — Non-alignment is the state or policy of being non-aligned.
  • non-ambiguity — doubtfulness or uncertainty of meaning or intention: to speak with ambiguity; an ambiguity of manner.
  • non-animation — animated quality; liveliness; vivacity; spirit: to talk with animation.
  • non-assertion — a positive statement or declaration, often without support or reason: a mere assertion; an unwarranted assertion.
  • non-assertive — confidently aggressive or self-assured; positive: aggressive; dogmatic: He is too assertive as a salesman.
  • non-canonical — not included within a canon or group of rules.
  • non-catalytic — Chemistry. the causing or accelerating of a chemical change by the addition of a catalyst.
  • non-cathartic — of or relating to catharsis.
  • non-causative — acting as a cause; producing (often followed by of): a causative agency; an event causative of war.
  • non-christian — (of a person, country, etc) not adhering to the Christian faith
  • non-chromatic — pertaining to color or colors.
  • non-claimable — to demand by or as by virtue of a right; demand as a right or as due: to claim an estate by inheritance.
  • non-cognizant — having cognizance; aware (usually followed by of): He was cognizant of the difficulty.
  • non-colloidal — pertaining to or of the nature of a colloid: colloidal gold and silver.
  • non-committal — not committing oneself, or not involving committal, to a particular view, course, or the like: The senator gave us a noncommittal answer.
  • non-compliant — failure or refusal to comply, as with a law, regulation, or term of a contract.
  • non-custodial — of or relating to custody.
  • non-dedicated — wholly committed to something, as to an ideal, political cause, or personal goal: a dedicated artist.
  • non-designate — to mark or point out; indicate; show; specify.
  • non-dialectic — of, relating to, or of the nature of logical argumentation.
  • non-editorial — of or relating to the commissioning or compiling of content for publication, or to a person who does such work: editorial policies; editorial skills.
  • non-education — the act or process of imparting or acquiring general knowledge, developing the powers of reasoning and judgment, and generally of preparing oneself or others intellectually for mature life.
  • non-emotional — pertaining to or involving emotion or the emotions.
  • non-empirical — derived from or guided by experience or experiment.
  • non-episcopal — of or relating to a bishop: episcopal authority.
  • non-essential — not essential; not necessary: Nonessential use of gasoline was forbidden during the war.
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