
14-letter words containing a, l, t, o

  • traditionalism — adherence to tradition as authority, especially in matters of religion.
  • traditionalist — adherence to tradition as authority, especially in matters of religion.
  • traditionality — of or relating to tradition.
  • traditionalize — to make traditional: to traditionalize family reunions.
  • traffic holdup — a temporary stoppage in the flow of traffic where a number of vehicles are obstructed and unable to move
  • traffic police — a unit of a police force, whose job is to control traffic and enforce traffic regulations
  • trailing phlox — a prostrate plant, Phlox nivalis, of the southeastern U.S., having pink or white flowers.
  • transcorporeal — of the nature of the physical body; bodily.
  • transductional — of or relating to transduction
  • transit lounge — a waiting room at an international airport used mainly by passengers transferring from one flight to another without presenting themselves to customs or immigration officials
  • transmissional — possessing the quality of transmitting or being transmitted
  • transportingly — in a way to be transported or to transport
  • transpulmonary — of or relating to the lungs.
  • transvaluation — to reestimate the value of, especially on a basis differing from accepted standards; reappraise; reevaluate.
  • trapezoid rule — a rule for estimating the area of an irregular figure, by dividing it into parallel strips of equal width, each strip being a trapezium. It can also be adapted to obtaining an approximate value of a definite integral
  • traumatologist — a branch of surgery dealing with major wounds caused by accidents or violence.
  • travel voucher — a voucher, usually bought from a travel agency or won in a competition, etc, which can be used to pay for travel costs such as flights, accommodation, etc
  • traveler's-joy — a woody vine, Clematis vitalba, of the buttercup family, native to Europe and northern Africa, having long-plumed fruit and slightly fragrant, white flowers.
  • trepidatiously — tremulous fear, alarm, or agitation; perturbation.
  • trial attorney — a lawyer who is involved in court cases
  • trial division — trial department
  • trichloracetic — as in trichloracetic acid
  • triconsonantal — having three consonants
  • tridimensional — having three dimensions.
  • trihalomethane — a type of chemical compound in which three of the hydrogen atoms in a methane molecule have been replaced by halogen atoms, esp by chlorine in drinking water. Trihalomethanes are thought to be carcinogenic
  • tripersonalism — the doctrine of three persons making up the Trinity
  • tripersonalist — someone who believes in the Trinity
  • tripersonality — the state or condition of being tripersonal; existence in three persons, as the Godhead.
  • tripolitan war — a war (1801–05) that Tripoli declared on the United States because of American refusal to pay tribute for the safe passage of shipping in Barbary Coastal waters.
  • trivialization — to make trivial; cause to appear unimportant, trifling, etc.
  • trombiculiasis — the condition of being infested with chiggers.
  • tropical month — the period of time taken by the moon to return to the same longitude after one complete revolution around the earth; 27.321 58 days (approximately 27 days, 7 hours, 43 minutes, 4.5 seconds)
  • tropical storm — a tropical cyclone of less than hurricane force.
  • tropologically — in a way which uses figurative language
  • trust hospital — a hospital that is run by an NHS trust which competes with other trusts for government funding
  • tubal ligation — a method of permanent sterilization for women, involving the surgical sealing of the fallopian tubes to prevent the ovum from passing from the ovary to the uterus.
  • tunny emulator — (hardware, cryptography)   A special-purpose computer designed at Bletchley Park (UK) based upon the reverse engineering of the Lorenz Cypher. The Lorenz Cypher was used by the German army to encrypt high command orders for transmission via teleprinter (the Enigma was a field-use cypher). Once the key to a message was discovered (by the computer Colossus) the Tunny machine would be set to decrypt the message. The process took about four days from intercept to printout. The original Tunny machine was built about 1943 and scrapped after the war. In 2011 a working model was re-built at Bletchley Park where it is on display.
  • tutorial group — a small grouping of students given intensive tuition by a tutor
  • ultra-orthodox — of, relating to, or conforming to the approved form of any doctrine, philosophy, ideology, etc.
  • ultra-rational — agreeable to reason; reasonable; sensible: a rational plan for economic development.
  • ultra-royalist — a supporter or adherent of a king or royal government, especially in times of rebellion or civil war.
  • ultracompetent — extremely competent
  • ultraglamorous — extremely glamorous
  • ultrahazardous — extremely or excessively hazardous
  • ultramicrotome — a microtome capable of producing very fine slices of tissue or cellular specimens for electron microscopic examination.
  • ultramicrotomy — the practice of using an ultramicrotome
  • ultramontanism — the policy of the party in the Roman Catholic Church that favors increasing and enhancing the power and authority of the pope.
  • ultrapatriotic — extremely patriotic
  • ultraprecision — extreme accuracy or precision
  • unaccustomedly — in an unaccustomed manner
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