
14-letter words containing a, l, t, o

  • stagflationary — of, caused by, or relating to, stagflation
  • staghorn coral — staghorn coral.
  • stalking horse — If you describe a person or thing as a stalking horse, you mean that it is being used to obtain a temporary advantage so that someone can get what they really want.
  • stalking-horse — a horse, or a figure of a horse, behind which a hunter hides in stalking game.
  • stand-off half — a player who acts as a link between his scrum half and three-quarter backs
  • standard model — a mathematical description of the elementary particles of matter and the fundamental forces by which they interact and behave; a model combining electromagnetic and weak forces.
  • staphylococcus — any of several spherical bacteria of the genus Staphylococcus, occurring in pairs, tetrads, and irregular clusters, certain species of which, as S. aureus, can be pathogenic for humans.
  • staphyloplasty — plastic surgery or surgical repair involving the soft palate or the uvula
  • starch blocker — a substance ingested in the belief that it inhibits the body's ability to metabolize starch and thereby promotes weight loss: declared illegal in the U.S. by the FDA.
  • starting block — a device used by runners, especially sprinters, for increasing their speed off the mark, consisting of a metal or wooden frame, usually secured to the ground at both ends, with adjustable, triangular-shaped blocks on each side for bracing the feet.
  • startle colour — a bright region of an animal's coloration, normally hidden from view and often part of a design resembling birds' eyes, etc, exposed when the animal is disturbed by a predator
  • state religion — the official religion of a state as established by law.
  • steal the show — to cause or allow to be seen; exhibit; display.
  • stealth bomber — a type of US military aircraft using advanced technology to render it virtually undetectable to sight, radar, or infrared sensors
  • steer clear of — to guide the course of (something in motion) by a rudder, helm, wheel, etc.: to steer a bicycle.
  • stegocephalian — an extinct, pre-Jurassic amphibian
  • stegocephalous — having the characteristics of the order Stegocephala
  • stella polaris — Polaris.
  • sterculiaceous — of, relating to, or belonging to the Sterculiaceae, a chiefly tropical family of plants that includes cacao and cola
  • stereochemical — of, relating to, stereochemistry
  • stigmatophilia — a love for body piercing or tattooing that is accompanied by sexual arousal
  • stomachfulness — the quality of being stomachful
  • stopping place — a place where vehicles may stop temporarily
  • store of value — the function of money that enables goods and services to be paid for a considerable time after they have been acquired
  • straits dollar — a former silver coin and monetary unit of the Straits Settlements.
  • straw-coloured — If you describe something, especially hair, as straw-coloured, you mean that it is pale yellow.
  • streptobacilli — any of various bacilli that form in chains.
  • stumble across — to strike the foot against something, as in walking or running, so as to stagger or fall; trip.
  • sturgeon's law — "Ninety percent of everything is crap". Derived from a quote by science fiction author Theodore Sturgeon, who once said, "Sure, 90% of science fiction is crud. That's because 90% of everything is crud." Oddly, when Sturgeon's Law is cited, the final word is almost invariably changed to "crap". Compare Ninety-Ninety Rule. Though this maxim originated in SF fandom, most hackers recognise it and are all too aware of its truth.
  • sub-peritoneal — the serous membrane lining the abdominal cavity and investing its viscera.
  • subcontinental — a large, relatively self-contained landmass forming a subdivision of a continent: the subcontinent of India.
  • subcutaneously — situated or lying under the skin, as tissue.
  • subproletariat — the poorest group within the working class
  • substitutional — a person or thing acting or serving in place of another.
  • sulfantimonide — any compound containing an antimonide and a sulfide.
  • sulphonmethane — a colourless crystalline compound used medicinally as a hypnotic. Formula: C7H16O4S2
  • super-rational — beyond the scope or range of reason; intuitional.
  • superelevation — bank1 (def 6).
  • superinflation — hyperinflation.
  • superovulation — to produce more than the normal number of ova at one time, as through hormone treatment.
  • supportability — capable of being supported; endurable; maintainable.
  • supra-national — outside or beyond the authority of one national government, as a project or policy that is planned and controlled by a group of nations.
  • swallow-tailed — having a deeply forked tail like that of a swallow, as various birds.
  • sweated labour — workers forced to work in poor conditions for low pay
  • sycophantishly — in a sycophantish manner
  • symptomatology — the branch of medical science dealing with symptoms.
  • tabes dorsalis — syphilis of the spinal cord and its appendages, characterized by shooting pains and other sensory disturbances, and, in the later stages, by paralysis.
  • table football — a game based on soccer, played on a table with sets of miniature human figures mounted on rods allowing them to be tilted or spun to strike the ball
  • table mountain — a mountain in the Republic of South Africa, near Cape Town. 3550 feet (1080 meters).
  • tablet coating — A tablet coating is a covering over a tablet, used to mask the taste, make it easier to swallow, or protect the active medication inside.
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