
14-letter words containing a, l, t, o

  • tabularization — the act of tabularizing
  • tailor's chalk — hardened chalk or soapstone used to make temporary guide marks on a garment that is being altered.
  • tailor's dummy — a mannequin used to help tailor or fit clothes
  • take the floor — that part of a room, hallway, or the like, that forms its lower enclosing surface and upon which one walks.
  • takeout double — informatory double.
  • talk about sth — You can say talk about before mentioning a particular expression or situation, when you mean that something is a very striking or clear example of that expression or situation.
  • tasmanian wolf — thylacine.
  • tatterdemalion — a person in tattered clothing; a shabby person.
  • tax consultant — a person who advises other people and companies on tax affairs, esp on legal ways of paying less tax
  • tax-collecting — the collection of taxes owed by individuals
  • taxable amount — the portion of your income or profits that is subject to tax
  • teach a lesson — give a class, give instruction
  • technical foul — a foul committed by a player or coach, usually not involving physical contact with an opponent, called often for unsportsmanlike conduct, as holding on to the basket or using profanity, that gives the opposing team one or two free throws and sometimes, if the foul was flagrant, requires the ejection of the offending player or coach from the game.
  • telegraph buoy — a buoy placed over an underwater telegraph cable.
  • telegraph pole — A telegraph pole is a tall wooden pole with telephone wires attached to it, connecting several different buildings to the telephone system.
  • telejournalism — the writing and broadcasting of journalism for television
  • telejournalist — a journalist who writes for or broadcasts on television
  • telephone bank — an array of telephones used in large-scale telephoning operations, as for a political campaign.
  • telephone call — contact by phone
  • telephonically — of, relating to, or happening by means of a telephone system.
  • telephotograph — a photograph taken with a telephoto lens.
  • telescope peak — a mountain in SE California: highest peak in the Panamint Range, above Death Valley. 11,049 feet (3368 meters).
  • telescopically — of, relating to, or of the nature of a telescope.
  • telex operator — a person who sends messages by telex
  • tellurous acid — a white, crystalline powder, H2TeO3
  • telomerization — polymerization in the presence of a chain transfer agent to yield a series of products of low molecular weight
  • ten-acre block — a block of subdivided farming land, usually within commuting distance of a city, that provides a semirural way of life
  • ten-gallon hat — a broad-brimmed hat with a high crown, worn especially in the western and southwestern U.S.; cowboy hat.
  • terminal bonus — a bonus paid on a life insurance policy when the holder reaches a certain age or dies
  • terminal point — the final destination or station of a bus or rail journey
  • terminological — the system of terms belonging or peculiar to a science, art, or specialized subject; nomenclature: the terminology of botany.
  • territorialism — a principle or system that gives predominance to the landed classes.
  • territoriality — territorial quality, condition, or status.
  • territorialize — to extend by adding new territory.
  • tertiary color — a color, as brown, produced by mixing two secondary colors.
  • testimonialize — to honor (someone) by giving or doing something testimonial.
  • tetradactylous — having four fingers or toes.
  • texas hold 'em — a popular variety of poker in which each player can use any or all of five shared cards in combination with either or both of two private cards to form the best possible hand of five cards
  • texas longhorn — one of a breed of long-horned beef cattle of the southwestern U.S., developed from cattle introduced into North America from Spain and valued for disease resistance, fecundity, and a historical association with the old West: now rare.
  • thalassography — oceanography, especially that branch dealing with smaller bodies of water, as bays, sounds, and gulfs.
  • thanatological — relating to thanatology, the study of death and dying
  • the capitoline — the most important of the Seven Hills of Rome. The temple of Jupiter was on the southern summit and the ancient citadel on the northern summit
  • the final four — the last four teams remaining in a tournament
  • the honourable — a title of respect placed before a name: employed before the names of various officials in the English-speaking world, as a courtesy title in Britain for the children of viscounts and barons and the younger sons of earls, and in Parliament by one member speaking of another
  • the joe blakes — the DT's
  • the long march — a journey of about 10 000 km (6000 miles) undertaken (1934–35) by some 100 000 Chinese Communists when they were forced out of their base in Kiangsi in SE China. They made their way to Shensi in NW China; only about 8000 survived the rigours of the journey
  • the lord's day — the Christian Sabbath; Sunday
  • the lower paid — people who do not earn a lot of money
  • the palaeocene — the Palaeocene epoch or rock series
  • the palaeogene — the Palaeogene period or system
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