
17-letter words containing a, c, r, e, t

  • chocolate soldier — a person who mistakenly believes that he or she is very powerful, important, or impressive
  • christian science — Christian Science is a type of Christianity which emphasizes the use of prayer to cure illness.
  • christmas cracker — a decorated cardboard tube that emits a bang when pulled apart, releasing a toy, a joke, or a paper hat.
  • christmas disease — a relatively mild type of haemophilia, caused by lack of a protein (Christmas factor) implicated in the process of blood clotting
  • christmas present — a present given at Christmas time, typically on Christmas Day
  • churchyard beetle — a blackish nocturnal ground beetle, Blaps mucronata, found in cellars and similar places
  • cigarette lighter — A cigarette lighter is a device which produces a small flame when you press a switch and which you use to light a cigarette or cigar.
  • cigarette machine — a vending machine from which cigarettes can be purchased
  • circle the wagons — to take defensive action; prepare for an attack: from arranging a wagon train in a circular formation
  • circular triangle — a triangle in which each side is the arc of a circle
  • circular velocity — the velocity at which a body must move in order to maintain an orbit at the outer edge of the earth's atmosphere.
  • circumterrestrial — surrounding or revolving about the earth.
  • cistern barometer — a mercury barometer in which the lower mercury surface has a greater area than the upper.
  • citizen's charter — (formerly, in Britain) a government document setting out standards of service for public and private sector bodies, such as schools, hospitals, railway companies, water and energy suppliers, etc
  • citric acid cycle — Krebs cycle.
  • civil libertarian — a person who actively supports or works for the protection or expansion of civil liberties.
  • civil partnership — A civil partnership is a legal relationship between two people of the same sex that is similar to marriage.
  • clairaut equation — a differential equation of the form y = xy prime; + f (y prime;).
  • clare boothe luceClare Boothe, 1903–87, U.S. writer, politician, and diplomat.
  • clear box testing — white box testing
  • clipperton island — an uninhabited atoll in the E Pacific SW of Mexico, under French administration. Area: 6 sq km (2.3 sq miles)
  • close corporation — a small private limited company
  • close parenthesis — right parenthesis
  • coal-tar creosote — impure phenol or carbolic acid, distinct from the creosote of wood tar.
  • coarse-grain salt — salt with a much larger grain size than table salt
  • coastguard vessel — a ship used by the coastguard
  • cocktail waitress — a woman who serves in a bar or cocktail lounge
  • cognitive therapy — a form of psychotherapy in which the patient is encouraged to change the way he or sees the world and himself or herself: used particularly to treat depression
  • coin of the realm — legal tender.
  • coitus reservatus — the deliberate delaying or avoidance of orgasm during intercourse
  • coldstream guards — a guard regiment of the English royal household: formed in Coldstream, Scotland, 1659–60, and instrumental in restoring the English monarchy under Charles II.
  • coliform bacteria — a large group of bacteria inhabiting the intestinal tract of humans and animals that may cause disease and whose presence in water is an indicator of faecal pollution
  • collaborativeness — Quality of being collaborative.
  • collateral damage — Collateral damage is accidental injury to non-military people or damage to non-military buildings which occurs during a military operation.
  • collateralization — The act or process of collateralizing.
  • collegiate church — a church that has an endowed chapter of canons and prebendaries attached to it but that is not a cathedral
  • colleterial gland — a paired accessory reproductive gland, present in most female insects, secreting a sticky substance that forms either the egg cases or the cement that binds the eggs to a surface
  • color temperature — a temperature defined in terms of the temperature of a black body at which it emits light of a specified spectral distribution: used to specify the color of a light source.
  • color-coordinated — with all parts or elements related, blended, or matched to a particular color scheme.
  • colour separation — the division of a coloured original into cyan, magenta, yellow, and black so that plates may be made for print reproduction. Separation may be achieved by electronic scanning or by photographic techniques using filters to isolate each colour
  • combine harvester — A combine harvester is a large machine which is used on farms to cut, sort, and clean grain.
  • come to handgrips — to engage in hand-to-hand fighting
  • come to the party — to take part or become involved
  • commercial credit — credit issued by a bank to a business to finance trading or manufacturing operations.
  • commercialisation — Alternative spelling of commercialization.
  • commercialization — to make commercial in character, methods, or spirit.
  • committal hearing — (in British law) a preliminary inquiry by a magistrate to decide if there is enough evidence for a case to go to trial
  • commodity markets — stock markets in which commodities are traded
  • commuter airplane — air taxi.
  • commuter marriage — a marriage in which the partners live some distance apart most of the time, usually because of separate work commitments
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