
17-letter words containing a, c, r, e, t

  • american chestnut — any of the several deciduous trees constituting the genus Castanea, of the beech family, having toothed, oblong leaves and bearing edible nuts enclosed in a prickly bur, and including C. dentata (American chestnut) which has been virtually destroyed by the chestnut blight, C. sativa (European chestnut) C. mollissima (Chinese chestnut) and C. crenata (Japanese chestnut)
  • american dialects — regional or social varieties of spoken American English identified by differences in grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation: principal dialect areas are now generally distinguished as Northern, Midland, and Southern
  • american dog tick — a common tick, Dermacentor variabilis, that is the vector of Rocky Mountain spotted fever in the eastern U.S. and also carries tularemia.
  • american football — American football is a game similar to rugby that is played by two teams of eleven players using an oval-shaped ball. Players try to score points by carrying the ball to their opponents' end of the field, or by kicking it over a bar fixed between two posts.
  • american redstart — any of several small, Old World thrushes, usually with reddish-brown tails, especially Phoenicurus phoenicurus (European redstart)
  • amoebic dysentery — inflammation of the intestines caused by the parasitic amoeba Endamoeba histolytica
  • amphitheatrically — In a manner such as to appear to have some characteristics of an amphitheatre.
  • anabolic steroids — a synthetic derivative of testosterone, sometimes used by athletes to help increase weight and strength.
  • analogue computer — (computer, hardware)   A machine or electronic circuit designed to work on numerical data represented by some physical quantity (e.g. rotation or displacement) or electrical quantity (e.g. voltage or charge) which varies continuously, in contrast to digital signals which are either 0 or 1. For example, the turning of a wheel or changes in voltage can be used as input. Analogue computers are said to operate in real time and are used for research in design where many different shapes and speeds can be tried out quickly. A computer model of a car suspension allows the designer to see the effects of changing size, stiffness and damping.
  • analytic geometry — the branch of geometry in which a coordinate graphing system makes visible, using points, lines, and curves, the numerical relationships of algebraic equations
  • anchor escapement — an escapement in which wedge-shaped pallets engage with an escape wheel having pointed teeth, usually facing in the direction of revolution, so that the escape wheel recoils slightly at every release.
  • angle of friction — the angle of a plane to the horizontal when a body placed on the plane will just start to slide. The tangent of the angle of friction is the coefficient of static friction
  • anionic detergent — any of a class of synthetic compounds whose anions are alkali salts, as soap, or whose ions are ammonium salts.
  • anthropogenically — In an anthropogenic way.
  • anthroposemiotics — The study of human communication.
  • anti-bureaucratic — of, relating to, or characteristic of a bureaucrat or a bureaucracy; arbitrary and routine.
  • anti-carcinogenic — any substance or agent that tends to produce a cancer.
  • anti-conservatism — the disposition to preserve or restore what is established and traditional and to limit change.
  • anti-conservative — disposed to preserve existing conditions, institutions, etc., or to restore traditional ones, and to limit change.
  • anti-hierarchical — of, belonging to, or characteristic of a hierarchy.
  • anti-interference — intended to reduce electronic interference during radio transmissions
  • antiferromagnetic — noting or pertaining to a substance in which, at sufficiently low temperatures, the magnetic moments of adjacent atoms point in opposite directions.
  • antihyperglycemic — (of a medication or treatment) Tending to reduce hyperglycemia (high blood sugar, characteristic of diabetes).
  • antimaterialistic — Opposing materialism.
  • antimycobacterial — (medicine) That counteracts the effects of mycobacteria.
  • apartment complex — An apartment complex is a group of buildings that contain apartments and are managed by the same company.
  • api gravity scale — the American Petroleum Institute gravity scale: a universally accepted scale of the relative density of fluids that is used in fuel technology and is measured in degrees API. One degree API is equal to (141.5/d)–131.5, where d = relative density at 288.7K
  • apostolic fathers — the Fathers of the early Church who immediately followed the Apostles
  • application layer — (networking)   The top layer of the OSI seven layer model. This layer handles issues like network transparency, resource allocation and problem partitioning. The application layer is concerned with the user's view of the network (e.g. formatting electronic mail messages). The presentation layer provides the application layer with a familiar local representation of data independent of the format used on the network.
  • appointed actuary — An appointed actuary is an actuary appointed by a life insurance company, whose main role is to carry out a regular valuation of the reserves held to pay future policy benefits.
  • archconfraternity — a confraternity having the right to associate itself with confraternities that are similar to it, and to impart to them its privileges and indulgences.
  • archconservatives — Plural form of archconservative.
  • architect's table — a table having a surface consisting of a drawing board adjustable to various heights and angles.
  • architectonically — In terms of architectonics.
  • aristolochiaceous — belonging to the Aristolochiaceae, the birthwort family of plants.
  • arithmetic-series — a sequence in which each term is obtained by the addition of a constant number to the preceding term, as 1, 4, 7, 10, 13, and 6, 1, −4, −9, −14.
  • armaments factory — a factory for producing armaments
  • armature reaction — a change in the magnetic field of a dynamo caused by the magnetic field induced by the current flowing through the armature.
  • around the corner — If you say that something is around the corner, you mean that it will happen very soon. In British English, you can also say that something is round the corner.
  • arresting officer — the police officer making an arrest
  • articulated joint — Anatomy. a flexible joint.
  • articulated lorry — a lorry made in two separate sections, a tractor and a trailer, connected by a pivoted bar
  • artificial kidney — a mechanical apparatus for performing haemodialysis
  • artificial person — a human being, whether an adult or child: The table seats four persons.
  • artistic director — a person in charge of the artistic direction of a theatre company
  • as the crow flies — If you say that a place is a particular distance away as the crow flies, you mean that it is that distance away measured in a straight line.
  • ascend the throne — to become king or queen
  • ascertained goods — specific goods
  • ask for the check — If you ask for the check, you ask the waitperson in a restaurant to bring you a piece of paper on which the price of your meal is written.
  • assembly district — one of a fixed number of districts into which a state is divided, each district electing one member to the lower house of the state legislature.
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