
17-letter words containing a, c, r, e, t

  • blessed sacrament — the consecrated elements of the Eucharist
  • blue dog democrat — a fiscally conservative member of the Democratic Party
  • bluegrass country — region in central Ky. where there is much bluegrass
  • body center plate — one of a pair of plates that fit together and support the body of a car on a truck, while allowing the truck to rotate with respect to the body. One plate (body center plate) is attached to the underside of the car body and the other (truck center plate) is part of the car truck.
  • book depreciation — Book depreciation is depreciation in a company's internal financial records that is different from the amount that is used for taxes.
  • branch delay slot — delayed control-transfer
  • branch prediction — (processor, algorithm)   A technique used in some processors with instruction prefetch to guess whether a conditional branch will be taken or not and prefetch code from the appropriate location. When a branch instruction is executed, its address and that of the next instruction executed (the chosen destination of the branch) are stored in the Branch Target Buffer. This information is used to predict which way the instruction will branch the next time it is executed so that instruction prefetch can continue. When the prediction is correct (and it is over 90% of the time), executing a branch does not cause a pipeline break. Some later CPUs simply prefetch both paths instead of trying to predict which way the branch will go. An extension of the idea of branch prediction is speculative execution.
  • break the back of — to complete the greatest or hardest part of (a task)
  • british cameroons — a former British trust territory of West Africa
  • british-cameroons — German Kamerun. a region in W Africa: a German protectorate 1884–1919; divided in 1919 into British and French mandates.
  • brocot escapement — a type of anchor escapement.
  • brokerage account — A brokerage account is an account with a broker where an investor can buy and sell and hold securities.
  • budgetary control — a system of managing a business by applying a financial value to each forecast activity. Actual performance is subsequently compared with the estimates
  • budgetary deficit — the amount by which government expenditure exceeds income from taxation, customs duties, etc, in any one fiscal year
  • buncher resonator — See under Klystron.
  • bureau of customs — former name of the United States Customs Service.
  • bureaucratization — to divide an administrative agency or office into bureaus.
  • caa the feet frae — to send (a person) sprawling
  • cabbage butterfly — a common white butterfly (Pieris rapae) whose green larvae feed upon cabbage and related plants
  • caesarean section — A Caesarean or a Caesarean section is an operation in which a baby is lifted out of a woman's womb through an opening cut in her abdomen.
  • cafeteria benefit — a fringe benefit chosen by an employee from a range of benefits offered under a cafeteria plan.
  • calcium carbonate — a white crystalline salt occurring in limestone, chalk, marble, calcite, coral, and pearl: used in the production of lime and cement. Formula: CaCO3
  • california nutmeg — a tall, pungently aromatic California evergreen tree, Torreya californica, of the yew family, having a fissured, gray-brown bark and small, purple-streaked, green fruit.
  • california privet — a privet, Ligustrum ovalifolium, of the olive family, native to Japan, having glossy, oval leaves and long clusters of white flowers, widely used for hedges in the U.S.
  • called to the bar — admitted to the practice of law as a barrister
  • calomel electrode — a reference electrode consisting of calomel, mercury, and a solution of potassium chloride.
  • camberwell beauty — a nymphalid butterfly, Nymphalis antiopa, of temperate regions, having dark purple wings with cream-yellow borders
  • camberwell carrot — a large, almost conical, marijuana cigarette
  • campus university — a university in which the buildings, often including shops and cafés, are all on one site
  • can't be bothered — If you say that you can't be bothered to do something, you mean that you are not going to do it because you think it is unnecessary or because you are too lazy.
  • cancer specialist — a medical professional who specializes in the treatment or study of malignant growths or tumours
  • cantilever bridge — a bridge having spans that are constructed as cantilevers and often a suspended span or spans, each end of which rests on one end of a cantilever span
  • cape horn current — the part of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current flowing E at Cape Horn.
  • capital structure — the way that a company finances its assets through a combination of equity, debt etc
  • carbon offsetting — a program in which a company, country, etc., reduces or offsets its carbon emissions through the funding of activities and projects that improve the environment: Carbon offsetting does not always have a quantifiable impact on the planet.
  • cardiac tamponade — tamponade (def 2).
  • cardiac-tamponade — Medicine/Medical. the use of a tampon, as to stop a hemorrhage.
  • cardio striptease — a form of keep-fit exercise in which people move their bodies in the manner of striptease artists
  • cardioaccelerator — a substance that increases the heart rate.
  • cardiorespiratory — of, relating to, or affecting the heart and respiratory system.
  • caretaker manager — a person who temporarily holds the office of manager of a football club
  • caribbean current — an ocean current flowing westward through the Caribbean Sea.
  • carlos de austriaDon [dawn] /dɔn/ (Show IPA), 1545–68, eldest son of Philip II of Spain: died during imprisonment for conspiracy against his father.
  • carolina parakeet — an extinct New World parakeet, Conuropsis carolinensis, that ranged into the northern U.S., having yellowish-green plumage with an orange-yellow head.
  • cartesian product — the set of all ordered pairs of members of two given sets. The product A × B is the set of all pairs <a, b> where a is a member of A and b is a member of B
  • cartoon character — one of the people or animals in an animated film
  • cassette recorder — A cassette recorder is a machine that is used for recording and listening to cassettes.
  • cast/run your eye — If you cast your eye or run your eye over something, you look at it or read it quickly.
  • casting the runes — (jargon)   What a guru does when you ask him or her to run a particular program because it never works for anyone else; especially used when nobody can ever see what the guru is doing different from what J. Random Luser does. Compare incantation, runes, examining the entrails; also see the AI koan about Tom Knight.
  • castle in the air — a hope or desire unlikely to be realized; daydream
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