
All niggardly synonyms

N n

adjective niggardly

  • weak β€” not strong; liable to yield, break, or collapse under pressure or strain; fragile; frail: a weak fortress; a weak spot in armor.
  • base β€” The base of something is its lowest edge or part.
  • common β€” If something is common, it is found in large numbers or it happens often.
  • crude β€” A crude method or measurement is not exact or detailed, but may be useful or correct in a rough, general way.
  • diminutive β€” small; little; tiny: a diminutive building for a model-train layout.
  • imperfect β€” not perfect; lacking completeness: imperfect knowledge.
  • plain β€” clear or distinct to the eye or ear: a plain trail to the river; to stand in plain view.
  • scanty β€” scant in amount, quantity, etc.; barely sufficient.
  • slight β€” small in amount, degree, etc.: a slight increase; a slight odor.
  • subnormal β€” below the normal; less than or inferior to the normal: a subnormal amount of rain.
  • trifling β€” of very little importance; trivial; insignificant: a trifling matter.
  • below par β€” If you say that someone or something is below par or under par, you are disappointed in them because they are below the standard you expected.
  • contemptible β€” If you feel that someone or something is contemptible, you feel strong dislike and disrespect for them.
  • dwarfed β€” a person of abnormally small stature owing to a pathological condition, especially one suffering from cretinism or some other disease that produces disproportion or deformation of features and limbs.
  • exiguous β€” Very small in size or amount.
  • faulty β€” having faults or defects; imperfect.
  • humble β€” not proud or arrogant; modest: to be humble although successful.
  • incomplete β€” not complete; lacking some part.
  • insignificant β€” unimportant, trifling, or petty: Omit the insignificant details.
  • lacking β€” being without; not having; wanting; less: Lacking equipment, the laboratory couldn't undertake the research project.
  • low-grade β€” of an inferior quality, worth, value, etc.: The mine yields low-grade silver ore.
  • lowly β€” humble in station, condition, or nature: a lowly cottage.
  • pitiable β€” evoking or deserving pity; lamentable: pitiable, homeless children.
  • pitiful β€” evoking or deserving pity: a pitiful fate.
  • reduced β€” that is or has been reduced.
  • rotten β€” decomposing or decaying; putrid; tainted, foul, or bad-smelling.
  • second-rate β€” of lesser or minor quality, importance, or the like: a second-rate poet.
  • shabby β€” impaired by wear, use, etc.; worn: shabby clothes.
  • skimpy β€” lacking in size, fullness, etc.; scanty: a skimpy hem; a skimpy dinner.
  • sparse β€” thinly scattered or distributed: a sparse population.
  • subpar β€” below an average, usual, or normal level, quality, or the like; below par: This month his performance has been subpar.
  • trivial β€” of very little importance or value; insignificant: Don't bother me with trivial matters.
  • valueless β€” without worth or value; worthless: valueless stocks; a valueless promise.
  • worthless β€” without worth; of no use, importance, or value; good-for-nothing: a worthless person; a worthless contract.
  • narrow β€” of little breadth or width; not broad or wide; not as wide as usual or expected: a narrow path.
  • penny-pinching β€” a miserly, niggardly, or stingy person.
  • skinflint β€” a mean, niggardly person; miser.
  • chintzy β€” Something that is chintzy is decorated or covered with chintz.
  • closefisted β€” stingy
  • illiberal β€” narrowminded; bigoted.
  • mingy β€” mean and stingy; niggardly.
  • penurious β€” extremely stingy; parsimonious; miserly.
  • tight-fisted β€” parsimonious; stingy; tight.
  • cost-effective β€” Something that is cost-effective saves or makes a lot of money in comparison with the costs involved.
  • efficient β€” (esp. of a system or machine) Achieving maximum productivity with minimum wasted effort or expense.
  • practical β€” of or relating to practice or action: practical mathematics.
  • prudent β€” wise or judicious in practical affairs; sagacious; discreet or circumspect; sober.
  • avaricious β€” An avaricious person is very greedy for money or possessions.
  • canny β€” A canny person is clever and able to think quickly. You can also describe a person's behaviour as canny.
  • chary β€” If you are chary of doing something, you are fairly cautious about doing it.
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