
All impress synonyms

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verb impress

  • thrill β€” to affect with a sudden wave of keen emotion or excitement, as to produce a tremor or tingling sensation through the body.
  • faze β€” to cause to be disturbed or disconcerted; daunt: The worst insults cannot faze him.
  • touch β€” to put the hand, finger, etc., on or into contact with (something) to feel it: He touched the iron cautiously.
  • affect β€” If something affects a person or thing, it influences them or causes them to change in some way.
  • awe β€” Awe is the feeling of respect and amazement that you have when you are faced with something wonderful and often rather frightening.
  • sway β€” to move or swing to and fro, as something fixed at one end or resting on a support.
  • inspire β€” to fill with an animating, quickening, or exalting influence: His courage inspired his followers.
  • mark β€” Marcus Alonzo ("Mark") 1837–1904, U.S. merchant and politician: senator 1897–1904.
  • slay β€” to draw (warp ends) through the heddle eyes of the harness or through the dents of the reed in accordance with a given plan for weaving a fabric.
  • move β€” to pass from one place or position to another.
  • pique β€” a fabric of cotton, spun rayon, or silk, woven lengthwise with raised cords.
  • arouse β€” If something arouses a particular reaction or attitude in people, it causes them to have that reaction or attitude.
  • kill β€” to deprive of life in any manner; cause the death of; slay. Synonyms: slaughter, massacre, butcher; hang, electrocute, behead, guillotine, strangle, garrote; assassinate.
  • carry β€” If you carry something, you take it with you, holding it so that it does not touch the ground.
  • bulldoze β€” If people bulldoze something such as a building, they knock it down using a bulldozer.
  • provoke β€” to anger, enrage, exasperate, or vex.
  • score β€” the record of points or strokes made by the competitors in a game or match.
  • galvanize β€” to stimulate by or as if by a galvanic current.
  • strike β€” to deal a blow or stroke to (a person or thing), as with the fist, a weapon, or a hammer; hit.
  • stir β€” to move one's hand or an implement continuously or repeatedly through (a liquid or other substance) in order to cool, mix, agitate, dissolve, etc., any or all of the component parts: to stir one's coffee with a spoon.
  • get β€” to receive or come to have possession, use, or enjoyment of: to get a birthday present; to get a pension.
  • grandstand β€” the main seating area of a stadium, racetrack, parade route, or the like, usually consisting of tiers with rows of individual seats.
  • register β€” a list or record of such acts, events, etc.
  • stimulate β€” to rouse to action or effort, as by encouragement or pressure; spur on; incite: to stimulate his interest in mathematics.
  • grab β€” to seize suddenly or quickly; snatch; clutch: He grabbed me by the collar.
  • overawe β€” to restrain or subdue by inspiring awe; intimidate: He often uses that imperious scowl to overawe his subordinates.
  • buffalo β€” A buffalo is a wild animal like a large cow with horns that curve upwards. Buffalo are usually found in southern and eastern Africa.
  • indent β€” indentation
  • dent β€” If you dent the surface of something, you make a hollow area in it by hitting or pressing it.
  • stamp β€” to strike or beat with a forcible, downward thrust of the foot.
  • inscribe β€” to address or dedicate (a book, photograph, etc.) informally to a person, especially by writing a brief personal note in or on it.
  • imprint β€” a mark made by pressure; a mark or figure impressed or printed on something.
  • carve β€” If you carve an object, you make it by cutting it out of a substance such as wood or stone. If you carve something such as wood or stone into an object, you make the object by cutting it out.
  • print β€” to produce (a text, picture, etc.) by applying inked types, plates, blocks, or the like, to paper or other material either by direct pressure or indirectly by offsetting an image onto an intermediate roller.
  • stress β€” importance attached to a thing: to lay stress upon good manners. Synonyms: significance, meaning, emphasis, consequence; weight, value, worth.
  • set β€” to put (something or someone) in a particular place: to set a vase on a table.
  • fix β€” to repair; mend.
  • inculcate β€” to implant by repeated statement or admonition; teach persistently and earnestly (usually followed by upon or in): to inculcate virtue in the young.
  • press β€” to force into service, especially naval or military service; impress.
  • instill β€” to infuse slowly or gradually into the mind or feelings; insinuate; inject: to instill courtesy in a child.
  • excite β€” Cause strong feelings of enthusiasm and eagerness in (someone).
  • amaze β€” If something amazes you, it surprises you very much.
  • influence β€” the capacity or power of persons or things to be a compelling force on or produce effects on the actions, behavior, opinions, etc., of others: He used family influence to get the contract.
  • astound β€” If something astounds you, you are very surprised by it.
  • astonish β€” If something or someone astonishes you, they surprise you very much.
  • electrify β€” Charge with electricity; pass an electric current through.
  • enforce β€” Compel observance of or compliance with (a law, rule, or obligation).
  • enthuse β€” Say something that expresses one's eager enjoyment, interest, or approval.
  • galvanise β€” to stimulate by or as if by a galvanic current.
  • emphasize β€” Give special importance or prominence to (something) in speaking or writing.
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