
All humoring synonyms

H h

verb humoring

  • gorge β€” to swallow, especially greedily.
  • animate β€” Something that is animate has life, in contrast to things like stones and machines which do not.
  • defer β€” If you defer an event or action, you arrange for it to happen at a later date, rather than immediately or at the previously planned time.
  • cloy β€” to make weary or cause weariness through an excess of something initially pleasurable or sweet
  • pamper β€” to treat or gratify with extreme or excessive indulgence, kindness, or care: to pamper a child; to pamper one's stomach.
  • fill β€” to make full; put as much as can be held into: to fill a jar with water.
  • supply β€” to furnish or provide (a person, establishment, place, etc.) with what is lacking or requisite: to supply someone clothing; to supply a community with electricity.
  • capture β€” If you capture someone or something, you catch them, especially in a war.
  • humor β€” hacker humour
  • sate β€” to cause to sit; seat (often followed by down): Sit yourself down. He sat me near him.
  • support β€” to bear or hold up (a load, mass, structure, part, etc.); serve as a foundation for.
  • rejoice β€” to be glad; take delight (often followed by in): to rejoice in another's happiness.
  • comfort β€” If you are doing something in comfort, you are physically relaxed and contented, and are not feeling any pain or other unpleasant sensations.
  • please β€” (used as a polite addition to requests, commands, etc.) if you would be so obliging; kindly: Please come here. Will you please turn the radio off?
  • submit β€” to give over or yield to the power or authority of another (often used reflexively).
  • avail β€” If you avail yourself of an offer or an opportunity, you accept the offer or make use of the opportunity.
  • favor β€” something done or granted out of goodwill, rather than from justice or for remuneration; a kind act: to ask a favor.
  • suit β€” a set of clothing, armor, or the like, intended for wear together.
  • gratify β€” to give pleasure to (a person or persons) by satisfying desires or humoring inclinations or feelings: Her praise will gratify all who worked so hard to earn it.
  • withstand β€” to stand or hold out against; resist or oppose, especially successfully: to withstand rust; to withstand the invaders; to withstand temptation.
  • oblige β€” to require or constrain, as by law, command, conscience, or force of necessity.
  • fold β€” to confine (sheep or other domestic animals) in a fold.
  • assist β€” If you assist someone, you help them to do a job or task by doing part of the work for them.
  • capitulate β€” If you capitulate, you stop resisting and do what someone else wants you to do.
  • indulge β€” to yield to an inclination or desire; allow oneself to follow one's will (often followed by in): Dessert came, but I didn't indulge. They indulged in unbelievable shopping sprees.
  • cede β€” If someone in a position of authority cedes land or power to someone else, they let them have the land or power, often as a result of military or political pressure.
  • arrange β€” If you arrange an event or meeting, you make plans for it to happen.
  • buckle β€” A buckle is a piece of metal or plastic attached to one end of a belt or strap, which is used to fasten it.
  • yield β€” to give forth or produce by a natural process or in return for cultivation: This farm yields enough fruit to meet all our needs.
  • cave β€” A cave is a large hole in the side of a cliff or hill, or one that is under the ground.
  • bow β€” When you bow to someone, you briefly bend your body towards them as a formal way of greeting them or showing respect.
  • abide β€” to tolerate; put up with
  • benefit β€” The benefit of something is the help that you get from it or the advantage that results from it.
  • relent β€” to soften in feeling, temper, or determination; become more mild, compassionate, or forgiving.
  • settle β€” to appoint, fix, or resolve definitely and conclusively; agree upon (as time, price, or conditions).
  • succumb β€” to give way to superior force; yield: to succumb to despair.
  • aid β€” Aid is money, equipment, or services that are provided for people, countries, or organizations who need them but cannot provide them for themselves.
  • obey β€” to comply with or follow the commands, restrictions, wishes, or instructions of: to obey one's parents.
  • furnish β€” to supply (a house, room, etc.) with necessary furniture, carpets, appliances, etc.
  • quit β€” to stop, cease, or discontinue: She quit what she was doing to help me paint the house.
  • relinquish β€” to renounce or surrender (a possession, right, etc.): to relinquish the throne.
  • satisfy β€” to fulfill the desires, expectations, needs, or demands of (a person, the mind, etc.); give full contentment to: The hearty meal satisfied him.
  • bend β€” When you bend, you move the top part of your body downwards and forwards. Plants and trees also bend.
  • cuddle β€” If you cuddle someone, you put your arms round them and hold them close as a way of showing your affection.
  • pet β€” a fit of peevishness, sulking, or bad mood.
  • cherish β€” If you cherish something such as a hope or a pleasant memory, you keep it in your mind for a long period of time.
  • cosset β€” If someone is cosseted, everything possible is done for them and they are protected from anything unpleasant.
  • knuckle β€” a joint of a finger, especially one of the articulations of a metacarpal with a phalanx.
  • overindulge β€” eat, do to excess
  • dandle β€” to move (a young child, etc) up and down (on the knee or in the arms)
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