
Words starting with virtualima

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Maybe these words will be useful:
  • virtualist — an artist specializing in virtual art, for example, art on the internet rather than hard copies of paintings
  • virtualism — the teaching that the bread and wine of the Communion contain Christ's spiritual body and blood
  • virtuality — being such in power, force, or effect, though not actually or expressly such: a virtual dependence on charity.
  • virtualize — to create a virtual version of (a computer, operating system, data storage device, etc.), which is not itself an independent device but both works and appears to the user as a single, physical entity: A virtualized computer server can boost processing power and reduce costs.
  • virtual private network — (networking, security)   (VPN) The use of encryption in the lower protocol layers to provide a secure connection through an otherwise insecure network, typically the Internet. VPNs are generally cheaper than real private networks using private lines but rely on having the same encryption system at both ends. The encryption may be performed by firewall software or possibly by routers. Link-level (layer 2 and 3) encryption provides extra protection by encrypting all of each datagram except the link-level information. This prevents a listener from obtaining information about network structure. While link-level encryption prevents traffic analysis (a form of attack), it must encrypt/decrypt on every hop and every path. Protocol-level encryption (layer 3 and 4) encryption encrypts protocol data but leaves protocol and link headers clear. While protocol-level encryption requires you to encrypt/decrypt data only once, and it encrypts/decrypts only those sessions that need it, headers are sent as clear text, allowing traffic analysis. Application (layer 5 up) encryption is based on a particular application and requires that the application be modified to incorporate encryption.
  • virtual machine environment — (operating system)   (VME) ICL's mainframe operating system.
  • virtual memory system — (operating system)   (VMS) DEC's proprietary operating system originally produced for its VAX minicomputer. VMS V1 was released in August 1978. VMS was renamed "OpenVMS" around version 5.5. The first version of VMS on DEC Alpha was known as OpenVMS for AXP V1.0, and the correct way to refer to the operating system now is OpenVMS for VAX or OpenVMS for Alpha. The renaming also signified the fact that the X/Open consortium had certified OpenVMS as having a high support for POSIX standards. VMS is one of the most secure operating systems on the market (making it popular in financial institutions). It currently (October 1997) has the best clustering capability (both number and distance) and is very scalable with binaries portable from small desktop workstations up to huge mainframes. Many Unix fans generously concede that VMS would probably be the hacker's favourite commercial OS if Unix didn't exist; though true, this makes VMS fans furious.
  • virtual lan — (networking)   Software defined groups of host on a local area network (LAN) that communicate as if they were on the same wire, even though they are physically on different LAN segments throughout a site. To define a virtual LAN, the network administrator uses a virtual LAN management utility to establish membersip rules that determine which hostss are in a specific virtual LAN. Many models may exist but two seem to dominate: (1) Vitual Segment (or Port-Group) Virtual LAN. These are switched at the data link layer (OSI layer 2). Virtual segments turn an arbitrary number of physical segments into a single virtual segment that funtions as a self-contained traffic domain. (2) Virtual Subnet Virtual LAN: These are switched at the Network Layer (OSI layer 3). Subnet-oriented virtual LANs are based on subnet addresses used by IP, IPX, and other network layer protocols to normally identify physical networks. Administrators assign one subnet address to a number of switch ports (which may be on different switches and over a backbone). Once identified as a virtual subnet, the selected LANs function as a bridge group - traffic is bridged at Layer 2 within the virtual subnet and routed at Layer 3 between virtual subnets.
  • virtual reality modeling language — (virtual reality, language)   (VRML) A draft specification for the design and implementation of a platform-independent language for virtual reality scene description. VRML 1.0 was released on 1995-05-26. Mailing list: <[email protected]> (message body: "subscribe www-vrml your-email-address").
  • virtual sequential access method — Virtual Storage Access Method