
Words starting with valuesys

Unfortunately we didn’t found any matching words.
Maybe these words will be useful:
  • values — relative worth, merit, or importance: the value of a college education; the value of a queen in chess.
  • value-added tax — an excise tax based on the value added to a product at each stage of production or distribution: value added is arrived at by subtracting from the total value of the product at the end of each production or distibution stage the value of the goods bought at its inception. Abbreviation: VAT.
  • value-added — something, as an item of equipment, that has been added to a product by a marketer or distributor to warrant a markup in the retail price.
  • value-free — not altered or influenced by value judgments
  • valued — highly regarded or esteemed: a valued friend.
  • valued policy — a policy in which the company and the policyholder agree to the amount to be paid in the event of total loss of property, regardless of the value of the property.
  • valueless — without worth or value; worthless: valueless stocks; a valueless promise.
  • valuer — British. an appraiser.
  • value added network — (networking)   (VAN) A privately owned network that provides a specific service, such as legal research or access to a specialised database, for a fee. A Value Added Network usually offers some service or information that is not readily available on public networks. A Value Added Network's customers typically purchase leased lines that connect them to the network or they use a dial-up number, given by the network owner, to gain access to the network.