
Words starting with tutorp

Unfortunately we didn’t found any matching words.
Maybe these words will be useful:
  • tutorial system — a system of education, especially in some colleges, in which instruction is given personally by tutors, who also act as general advisers of a small group of students in their charge.
  • tutorially — in the manner of a tutorial
  • tutorial group — a small grouping of students given intensive tuition by a tutor
  • tutor room — (in British secondary schools) a room assigned for a tutor to meet with their tutor groups
  • tutor period — (in British secondary schools) a school period for which a tutor group comes together with their tutor
  • tutor group — (in British secondary schools) a grouping of students who are taught together
  • tutorship — a person employed to instruct another in some branch or branches of learning, especially a private instructor.
  • tutoring — a person employed to instruct another in some branch or branches of learning, especially a private instructor.
  • tutorism — the office or duties of a tutor
  • tutoress — a woman who is a tutor.