
Words starting with trapezea

Unfortunately we didn’t found any matching words.
Maybe these words will be useful:
  • trapeze — an apparatus, used in gymnastics and acrobatics, consisting of a short horizontal bar attached to the ends of two suspended ropes.
  • trapeze artist — a person who performs, especially professionally, on a trapeze.
  • trapezia — Geometry. (in Euclidean geometry) any rectilinear quadrilateral plane figure not a parallelogram. a quadrilateral plane figure of which no two sides are parallel. British. trapezoid (def 1a).
  • trapezial — Geometry. (in Euclidean geometry) any rectilinear quadrilateral plane figure not a parallelogram. a quadrilateral plane figure of which no two sides are parallel. British. trapezoid (def 1a).
  • trapeziform — formed like a trapezium.
  • trapezium — Geometry. (in Euclidean geometry) any rectilinear quadrilateral plane figure not a parallelogram. a quadrilateral plane figure of which no two sides are parallel. British. trapezoid (def 1a).
  • trapezius — a broad, flat muscle on each side of the upper and back part of the neck, shoulders, and back, the action of which raises, or rotates, or draws back the shoulders, and pulls the head backward or to one side.
  • trapezohedron — Crystallography. a crystal form having all faces trapeziums.
  • trapezoid — Geometry. a quadrilateral plane figure having two parallel and two nonparallel sides. British. trapezium (def 1b).