
Words starting with sun3w

Unfortunately we didn’t found any matching words.
Maybe these words will be useful:
  • sun-2 workstation — (computer)   A Unix workstation produced by Sun Microsystems, Inc., based on the Motorola 68000. Followed by the Sun-3 Workstation.
  • sun microsystems, inc. — (company)   One of the first, and now biggest, US computer manufacturers. They also manufacture in Europe. The Sun-2 and 3 series of workstations and servers were based on the Motorola 680x0 family of microprocessors and the Sun-4 series on the SPARC. Sun also produce their own version of Unix, originally called SunOS and now Solaris. Their Network File System has become the de facto standard for sharing files between Unix systems. Sun own MySQL AB. Sun was bought by Oracle Corporation on 2009-04-20. Quarterly sales $1403M, profits $78M (Aug 1994). Address: 2550 Garcia Ave., Mt. View, CA 94043 -1100 USA.
  • sun-3 workstation — (computer)   A Unix workstation produced by Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the 1980s, based on the Motorola 68020. Successor to the Sun-2 Workstation, followed by the Sun-4 Workstation. The Sun-3 had a custom MMU. A couple of mutant models used an entirely different architecture.
  • sun-4 workstation — (computer)   A Unix workstation produced by Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the late 1980s[?], based on SPARC processors. The Sun-4 followed the Sun-3 Workstation. Later SPARC-based workstations were called "SPARCstations".
  • sunos — (operating system)   Sun Microsystems' version of Unix for Sun workstations. SunOS is similar to BSD Unix with some SVR4 features and OpenWindows 3.0. After version 4, SunOS was integrated into Sun's Solaris "operating environment".
  • sunview — A windowing system from Sun Microsystems, superseded by NeWS.
  • sunday trading — the fact of opening a shop or business on a Sunday
  • sunflower oil — oil obtained from sunflower seeds
  • sundrily — in sundry or distinct ways; variously