
Words starting with softcen

Unfortunately we didn’t found any matching words.
Maybe these words will be useful:
  • softcover — paperback edition of a book
  • softcore — of, relating to, or containing sexually arousing depictions that are not fully explicit: soft-core pornography. Compare hard-core (def 2).
  • softcopy — Alternative form of soft copy.
  • soft hat — a hat made from soft rather than stiff and structured materials
  • soft sawder — flattery; compliments
  • soft pencil — a type of pencil that contains a thicker, oilier and darker form of graphite
  • soft margarine — a soft, spreadable margarine that is made with more liquid oils and less hydrogenated oils than hard, block margarine
  • soft landing — space vehicle
  • soft drinks — A soft drink is a cold, nonalcoholic drink such as lemonade or fruit juice, or a carbonated drink.