
Words starting with scanningli

Unfortunately we didn’t found any matching words.
Maybe these words will be useful:
  • scanning disk — (in mechanical scanning) a disk with a line of holes spiraling in from its edge, rotated in front of a surface so as to expose a small segment as each hole passes before it for transmitting or reproducing a picture.
  • scanning electron microscope — a device in which the specimen is examined point by point directly in a moving electron beam, and electrons reflected by the specimen are used to form a magnified, three-dimensional image on a television screen. Abbreviation: SEM.
  • scanning line — (in a cathode-ray or television tube) a single horizontal trace made by the electron beam in one traversal of the fluorescent screen. Compare frame (def 9).
  • scanning tunneling microscope — a device that uses a moving needle and the tunnel effect to generate a maplike image of the atomic surface structure of matter, thereby achieving even greater magnification than the scanning electron microscope.
  • scanning — the act of examining with a scanner
  • scanning device — any of various devices used in medical diagnosis to obtain an image of an internal organ or part