
Words starting with s-b-c

Unfortunately we didn’t found any matching words.
Maybe these words will be useful:
  • s-algol — Orthogonal data structures on ALGOL 60. "S-Algol Language Reference Manual", R. Morrison, TR CS/79/1 U St Andrews, 1979. "An Introduction to Programming with S-Algol", A.J. Cole & R. Morrison, Cambridge U Press 1982.
  • s-video — (multimedia)   A video format offering a higher quality signal than composite video, but a lower quality than component video. This mid-level format divides the signal into two channels - luminance and chrominance.
  • s-mime — Secure Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
  • s-lang — (language)   A small but highly functional embedded interpreter. S-Lang was a stack-based postfix language resembling Forth and BC/DC with limited support for infix notation. Now it has a C-like infix syntax. Arrays, stings, integers, floating-point and autoloading are all suported. The editor JED embeds S-lang. S-Lang is available under the GNU Library General Public License. It runs on MS-DOS, Unix, and VMS. E-mail: John E. Davis <[email protected]>.
  • s-k reduction machine — An abstract machine defined by Professor David Turner to evaluate combinator expressions represented as binary graphs. Named after the two basic combinators, S and K.
  • s-r connection — stimulus-response connection; the basic unit of learning according to behaviourist learning theory
  • s-a node — sinoatrial node
  • s-curve — a curve shaped like an S .